


I. Choose the correct answer

1. Who was the greatest ruler of Sangama Dynasty?

a) Bukka

b) Devaraya II

c) Harihara II

d) Krishna Devaraya

Ans: a) Bukka

2. Which was the most common animal depicted on the pillars of Vijayanagara


a) Elephant 

b) Horse

c) Cow 

d) Deer

Ans: b) Horse

3. Who was the last ruler of the Sangama Dynasty?

a) Rama Raya 

b) Tirumaladeva Raya

c) Devaraya II 

d) Virupaksha Raya II

Ans: c) Devaraya II 

4. Who ended the Sultanate in Madurai?

a) Saluva Narasimha 

b) Devaraya II

c) Kumara Kampana 

d) Tirumaladeva Raya

Ans: c) Kumara Kampana 

5. Name the Bahmani King who was a linguist and a poet.

a) Ala-ud-din Hasan Shah

b) Muhammad I

c) Sultan Firoz

d) Mujahid

Ans: c) Sultan Firoz

II. Fill in the Blanks

1. _________was the capital of Aravidu dynasty.

Ans: :Penukonda

2. Vijayanagar emperors issued a large number of gold coins called___________.

Ans:  Varahas

3. Mahmud Gawan used________ chemists to teach the preparation and use of


Ans: Persian

4. In Vijayanagara administration _________ looked after the affairs of villages.

Ans: Gauda

III. Match the following


Ruler of Odisha



Krishna Devaraya


Abdur Razzaq

City of victory

Tenali Ramakrishna

Persian emissary



City of victory 


Ruler of Odisha

Krishna Devaraya


Abdur Razzaq

Persian emissary

Tenali Ramakrishna



1. Assertion (A): The Vijayanagar army was considered one of the feared armies in India.

Reason (R):-Vijayanagar armies used both firearm and cavalry.

a) R is not the correct explanation of A

b) R is correct explanation of A

c) A is correct and R is wrong

d) (A) and (R) are Correct

Ans: b) R is correct explanation of A

2. Find out the wrong pair

a) Silk - China

b) Spices - Arabia

c) Precious stone - Burma

d) Madurai Vijayam - Gangadevi

Ans: b) Spices - Arabia

3. Find the odd one out

Harihara II, Muhammad I, Krishnadeva Raya, Devaraya I.

Ans: Muhammad I

4. Consider the following statements and find out which is/are correct

I. Turquoise throne is one of the bejewelled royal seats of Persian kings described in Firdausi’s Shah Nama.

II. The fertile regions between the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra and Krishna–Godavari delta were the zones of conflict among the rulers of Vijayanagar, and Bahmani.

III. Muhammad I was educated at Multan.

IV. Mahmud Gawan served with great distinction as the Prime Minister under

Muhammad III.

a). i), ii), are correct

b). i), ii), iii) are correct

c). ii), iii), iv) are correct

d). iii), iv), are correct

Ans: Option not given. Correct answer: I,II,IV are correct.

V. True or False

1. Harihara and Bukka were the founder of Bahmani kingdom.

Ans: False Correct statement : Harihara and Bukka were the founder of Vijayanagara Empire

2. Krishnadeva Raya, who reigned for 20 years, was the most illustrious rulers of Sangama dynasty.

Ans:  False. Correct statement : Krishnadeva Raya, who reigned for 20 years, was the most illustrious rulers of Tuluva dynasty

3. Alasani Peddana was the greatest of all Astadiggajas.

Ans: True

4. Kingship of Vijayanagar administration was hereditary, based on the principle of primo geniture.

Ans: True

5. There were 18 monarchs of the Bahmani dynasty

Ans: True

VI. Answer in one or two sentences:

1. The four dynasties of Vijayanagara kingdom with reference to prominent rulers of each dynasty.



Sangama Dynasty

Devaraya - II

Saluva Dynasty

Saluva Narasimha

Tuluva Dynasty


Aravidu Dynasty

Tirumaladeva Raya

2. Battle of Talikota.

The sultans of Deccan kingdoms succeeded in forming a league to fight the Vijayanagar Empire The combined forces of the enemies met at Talikota in 1565. In the ensuing battle, known as Rakasa Tangadi (Battle of Talikota), Vijayanagar was defeated

3. The structure of governance in Vijayanagar kingdom.

  • The empire was divided into different mandalams (provinces), nadus (districts), sthalas (taluks) and finally into gramas (villages).

  • Each province was administered by a governor called Mandalesvara. 

  • The lowest unit of the administration was the village. 

  • Each village had a grama sabha. Gauda, village headman, looked after the affairs of the village.

  • The army consisted of the infantry, cavalry and elephant corps and  modernised began using firearms.

  • The combination of firearms and cavalry made them one of the most feared armies in India.

4. The five independent kingdoms of Deccan Sultanate.

The five independent kingdoms of Deccan Sultanate are

  • Bidar

  • Bijapur

  • Ahmednagar

  • Berar

  • Golkonda

5. The educational reforms of Ala-ud-din Hasan Shah

  • Alaud-din Hasan Shah was educated at Multan at the initiative of Zabar Khan, a general of Alaud-din Khalji. 

  • On his accession, he took special care in founding a school to educate his sons.

  • His son Muhammad I was a patron of learning.

  • He opened institutions for the purpose of educating the children of noble families in the art of soldiery.

VII. Answer in detail

1. Discuss the career and achievements of Krishna Devaraya.


  • Krishnadevaraya who reigned for 20 years was the most illustrious rulers of the Tuluva dynasty. 

  • He brought under control the independent chieftains in the Tungabhadra river basin. 

  • The Bahmani sultan, Mahmud Shah, had been overthrown and kept in imprisonment by his minister.

  • Krishnadevaraya freed the sultan and restored him to the throne. 

  • He forced a war on Prataparudra, the Gajapati ruler of Odisha.

  • Prataparudra negotiated for peace and offered to marry off his daughter to him. Accepting the offer, Krishnadevaraya returned the territory he had conquered from Prataparudra.

  • Krishnadevaraya, with the assistance of the Portuguese gunners, easily defeat the Sultan of Golconda and subsequently take over Raichur from the ruler of Bijapur

A Great Builder

  • Krishnadevaraya built huge irrigation tanks and reservoirs for harvesting rainwater.

  • He built the famous temples of Krishnaswamy, Hazara Ramaswamy and Vithalaswamy in  Hampi. 

  • He distributed the wealth for the purpose of constructing temple gateways (gopura), called ‘Rayagopuram,’ in his honour.

  • He recruited a large army and built many strong forts. 

  • He imported a large number of horses from Arabia and Iran,  had good relationship with the Portuguese and Arabian traders, which increased the Empire’s income through customs.

Patron of Literature, Art and Architecture

  • Krishnadevaraya patronised art and literature. 

  • Eight eminent luminaries in literature known as astadiggajas adorned his court.

  • Alasani Peddana was the greatest of them all. 

  • Another notable figure was Tenali Ramakrishna.


1. Discuss the causes for the decline of Vijayanagar rule. To what extent the Bahmani sultans contributed to it?

Battle of Talikota in the year 1565 is considered as the major breakdown of the Vijayanagar Empire. The combined forces of Deccan sultans, Ahmednagar, Bijapur, Golconda and Bidar declared war on Vijayanagar during the rule of Rama Raya. Rama Raya was defeated. He and his troop were killed mercilessly. Vijayanagar was pillaged and ruined. The glorious Vijayanagar Empire had ceased to exist.

The frequent conflicts with the Bahmani Sultans, had not just devastated large parts of the Doab area, but also resulted in terrible human massacres and destruction of temples. 

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