Questions and Answers:

I. Choose the correct answer:

1.The unit of measurement used for expressing dimension (size) of cell is

(a) centimeter (b) millimeter (c) micrometer (d) meter

Ans: (c) micrometer

2.Under the microscope, Priya observes a cell that has a cell wall and a distinct nucleus. The cell that she observed is

(a) a plant cell (b) an animal cell (c) a nerve cell (d) a bacteria cell

Ans: (a) a plant cell

3.A ‘control centre’ of the eukaryotic cell is

(a) Cell wall (b) Nucleus (c) Vacuoles (d) Chloroplast

Ans: (b) Nucleus 

4.Which one of the following is not an unicellular organism?

(a) Yeast (b) Amoeba (c) Spirogyra (d) Bacteria

Ans: (c) Spirogyra

5.Most organelles in a eukaryotic cell are found in the

(a) Cell wall (b) cytoplasm (c) nucleus (d) Vacuole

Ans: (b) cytoplasm

II. Fill in the Blanks

1. The instrument used to observe the cell is _______________.

Ans: Microscope

2. I take part in the food production of a cell. Who am I? __________.

Ans: Chloroplast

3. I am like a policeman. Who am I ?___________.

Ans: Cell membrane

4. The Term “cell” was coined by _______________________.

Ans: Robert Hooke

5. The egg of an Ostrich is the ________________single cell.

Ans: largest 

III. True or False. If False, give the correct answer.

1. A cell is the smallest unit of life. 

Ans: True

2. Nerve cell is the longest cell .

Ans: True

3. Prokaryotes were the first form of life on earth. 

Ans: True

4. The organelles of both plants and animals are made up of cells.

Ans: False

Organelles are found inside the cell.

5. New cells are produced from existing cells. 

Ans: True

IV. Match the following:

Control center

Cell membrane 

Food producer(plant cell)


Gate of the nucleus


Gate of the cell


Energy producer

Nuclear membrane


Control center


Food producer(plant cell)


Gate of the nucleus

Nuclear membrane

Gate of the cell

Cell membrane

Energy producer


V. Arrange in a correct sequence

1.Elephant, Cow, Bacteria, Mango, Rose plant.

Bacteria, Rose plant, Mango, Cow, Elephant.

2.Hen Egg, Ostrich egg, Insect egg.

Insect egg, Hen egg, Ostrich egg

VI. Analogy

1. Prokaryote : Bacteria :: Eukaryote : ____________

Ans: Plants, Animals

2. Spirogyra : Plant cell :: Amoeba : ___________

Ans:Animal cell

3. Food producer : Chloroplasts :: Power house : ________

Ans: Mitochondria

VII. Give Very short answer

1.Who discovered the cell in 1665?

Scientist Robert Hooke discovered the cell in 1665

2.What type of cells do we have?

We have Eukaryotic types of cells.

3.What are the essential components of a cell?

A typical cell consists of three major parts: 

i. An outer cell membrane. 

ii. A liquid cytoplasm. 

iii. A nucleus.

4.What are the organelles found only in plant cells?

- Cell wall and

- Chloroplast

are the organelles found only in the plant cells.

5.Give any three examples of eukaryotic cell.

Plant cell, 

Animal cell, 

Most fungi and algae cells.

6.Which one is called as “Area of movement”?

The cytoplasm is a watery, gel-like material in which cell parts move. So it is called as an “Area of movement”.

7.Shiva said “Bigger onion has larger cells when compared to the cells of smaller onion”! Do you agree with his statement or not? Explain why?

No, I don’t agree with the statement. 

Cell size has no relation with the size of an organism.

VIII. Give short answer

1.Why cells are called building blocks of life?

Brick is the basic building block of the wall, likewise cells are the basic structural and functional unit of every living organism. So the cells are called as building blocks of life.

2.Identify any four parts of the plant cell?


3.Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotic cell 

Eukaryotic cell 

It’s diameter ranges from 1 to 2 micron 

It’s diameter ranges from 10 to 100 micron 

Absence of membrane bound organelles 

Presence of membrane bound organelles  

Nucleus is not surrounded by nuclear membrane 

True nucleus is surrounded by nuclear membrane 

Absence of nucleoli 

Presence of nucleoli

4.Make sketches of animal and plant cells which you observe under


5.Write about the contribution of Robert Hooke in cell biology

◼️Robert Hooke improved microscope and built  a compound microscope.

◼️ He used water lens to illuminate the specimen.

◼️ He used OIl-lamp to focus to illuminate the specimen brightly

◼️ He made  thin section of cork, observed through the microscope and surprised to see many small identical chambers which were hexagonal in shape.

◼️ He published a book titled Micrographia in 1665,in which he first used the term cell.

◼️ The study of cell is called Cell Biology.

IX. Answer in detail

1.Tabulate any five cell organelles and their function.

Cell wall 

• Surrounds and protects the cell

• Make the cell stiff and strong


• A watery, gel-like material in which

cell parts move


• Produce and supply most of the

energy for the cell 


• Contain green pigment chlorophyll

• Capture the energy of sunlight and use it to produce food for the cell by photosynthesis.


• Acts as ‘brain’ of the cell

• Regulates and controls all the cell activities

2.Draw a neat labelled diagram of a prokaryotic cell.

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