
I. Choose the correct answer.

1. The following characteristics are essential for classification.

(a) Similarities 

(b) Differences

(c) Both of them 

(d) None of them

Ans:  (c) Both of them 

2. Approximately ____________ species of living organisms found in the earth.

(a) 8.7 million 

(b) 8.6 million

(c) 8.5 million 

(d) 8.8 million

Ans: (a) 8.7 million 

3. The largest division of the living world is __________

(a) Order 

(b) Kingdom

(c) Phylum 

(d) Family

Ans: (b) Kingdom

4. Who proposed the five kingdom of classification?

(a) Aristotle 

(b) Linnaeus

(c) Whittakar 

(d) Plato

Ans: (c) Whittakar 

5. The binomial name of pigeon is _________

(a) Homo sapiens 

(b) Rattus rattus

(c) Mangifera indica 

(d) Columbo livia

Ans: (d) Columbo livia

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. _____________________ in 1623, introduced the binomial nomenclature.

Ans: Gaspard Bauhin

2. Species is the ______________unit of classification.

Ans: basic 

3. __________ are non- green and nonphotosynthetic in nature.

Ans: Fungi

4. The binomial name of onion is ____________

Ans: Allium Sativum

5. Carolus Linnaeus is known as the Father of _________________

Ans: modern Taxonomy

III. True (or) False. If false write the correct answer.

1. Classification helps to know the origin and evolution of an organism.

Ans: True

2. Fishes are aquatic vertebrates.

Ans: True

3. In the year 1979, Five kingdom classification was proposed.

Ans: False

In the year 1969, Five kingdom classification was proposed.

4. True nucleus is seen in prokaryotic cell.

Ans: False

True nucleus is seen in eukaryotic cell.

5. Animal cells have cell wall.

Ans: Flase

Plant cells have cell wall.

IV.Match the following.






















V. Assertion and Reason Questions

1. Assertion: Binomial name is the universal name and contains two names.

Reason : It was first introduced by Carolus Linnaeus

a. Assertion is correct, Reasoning is correct

b. Assertion is correct, Reasoning is incorrect

c. Assertion is incorrect Reasoning is correct

d. Assertion and Reasoning are incorrect

Ans: b. Assertion is correct, Reasoning is incorrect

2. Assertion: Identification, assortment and grouping are essential for classification

Reason : These are basic steps of taxonomy

a. Assertion is correct, Reasoning is correct

b. Assertion is correct, Reasoning is incorrect

c. Assertion is incorrect Reasoning is correct

d. Assertion & Reasoning is incorrect

Ans: a. Assertion is correct, Reasoning is correct

VI. Give very short answer

1. What is classification?

The method of arranging the organisms into groups is called classification.

2. List out the five kingdoms classification






3. Define – dichotomous key

Dichotomous key is a tool used to classify organisms based on their similarities and differences. The dichotomous key allows us to make quick reference and identify a particular thing.

4. Write two examples of Monera.

Bacteria and Blue green algae are examples for monera.

5. What is binomial nomenclature?

Binomial nomenclature is an universal system of naming organisms. As per this system, each organism has two names – the first is the Genus name and the second is the Species name. Genus name begins with a capital letter and Species name begins with a small letter.

6. Write the binomial name of a) Human being b) Paddy

    a) Human being - Homo sapiens

    b) Paddy         - Oryza sativa

7. Write two features of protista

    The plant-like protists are photosynthetic and are commonly called algae.

Animals like protists are often called protozoans.

VII. Give short answer

1. Write the levels of classification.

There are seven main categories of hierarchies namely, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. Species is the basic unit of classification.

2. Differentiate plantae and animalia



Belongs to plant kingdom

Belongs to animal kingdom

Contains cell wall

Do not have cell wass

Green coloured eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells but do not have green colour pigmentation

Chloroplast is present

Chloroplast is absent

Prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis

Doesn’t have the capability to prepare their own food. Depend on other organisms for food

3. Write any two merits of Five Kingdom classification.

❋Five Kingdom classification is more scientific and natural. 

❋Five Kingdom classification clearly indicates the cellular organization, mode of nutrition, and characters for early evolution of life

VIII. Give answer in Detail

1. Explain about five kingdom classification

The five kingdom classification was proposed by R.H. Whittaker in 1969. Five kingdoms were formed on the basis of characteristics such as cell structure, mode of nutrition, source of nutrition and body organization.


✱Kingdom Monera - Bacteria 

✱All prokaryotes belong to the Kingdom Monera, which do not possess true nucleus. 

✱Cells of prokaryotes do not have a nuclear membrane and any membrane bound organelles. 

✱Most of the bacteria are heterotrophic, but some are autotrophs. 

✱Bacteria and Blue green algae are examples for monera.

Kingdom Protista: 

✱The Kingdom Protista includes unicellular and a few simple multicellular eukaryotes. 

✱There are two main groups of protists. 

✱The plant like protists are photosynthetic and are commonly called algae. ✱Algae include unicellular and multicellular types. 

✱Animals like protists are often called protozoans. They include amoeba and paramecium.

Kingdom Fungi: 

✱Fungi are eukaryotic, and mostly are multicellular. 

✱They secrete enzymes to digest the food and absorb the food after digested by the enzymes. 

✱Fungi saprophytes as decomposers (decay –causing organisms) or as parasites. 

✱Kingdom Fungi includes molds, mildews, mushrooms and yeast

Kingdom Plantae: 

✱Planatae (plants) are multicellular eukaryotes that carry out photosynthesis. ✱Reserve food materials are starch and lipids in the form of oil or fat. 

✱Plant cells have cell wall and specialized functions, such as photosynthesis, transport of materials and support. 

✱Kingdom Plantae includes ferns, cone bearing plants and flowering plants.

Kingdom Animalia: 

✱Animalia (animals) are multicellular, eukaryotic and heterotrophic animals. Cells have no cell wall. 

✱Most members of the animal kingdom can move from place to place. 

Eg. Invertebrates like sponges, hydra, flatworms round worms, insects, snails, starfishes. 

✱Vertebrates like Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals including human beings belong to the kingdom Animalia. 

2. Write short notes on – Binomial Nomenclature.

✱Gaspard Bauhin in 1623, introduced naming of organisms with two names which is known as Binomial nomenclature, and it was implemented by Carolus Linnaeas in 1753. 

✱He is known as ‘Father of Modern Taxonomy’. Binomial nomenclature is an universal system of naming organisms. 

✱As per this system, each organism has two names – the first is the Genus name and the second is the Species name. 

✱Genus name begins with a capital letter and Species name begins with a small letter. Example: The nomenclature for onion is Allium sativam. 

✱Genus name is Allium, species name is sativam. 

✱Vernacular name is a local name that is familiar for a particular place. ✱Binomial name is a universal name which never changes. 

✱Binomial nomenclature and classification helps scientists to identify any organisms and to place them at a particular hierarchy. 


Common Name 

Scientific Name


Human being

Homo sapiens



Cocos nucifera



Oryza sativa



Catla catla



Rattus rattus



Allium sativum

3. Give an account on the classification of invertebrates with few general features and examples.




Phylum Protozoa

Microscopic unicellular, pseudopodia, flagella and cilia for locomotion, reproduce by fission or conjugation

Amoeba, Euglena, Paramoecium

Phylum Porifera

Multicellular organisms with holes in the body. Skeleton formed of spicules, asexual and sexual reproduction.

Leucosolenia, Spongilla, Sycon. 

Phylum Coelenterata

Multicellular organisms Diploblastic, sessile or free swimming, solitary or colonial, asexual and sexual reproduction

Hydra, Jellyfish, Corals

Phylum Arthropoda

Segmented body, thick chitinous cuticle forming an exoskeleton, paired and jointed legs, unisexual exhibits sexual dimorphism.

Crab, Prawn 

Phylum Annelida

Triploblastic, segmented body, mostly hermaphrodite (bisexual and unisexual). 

Earthworm, Nereis, Leech.


1.Which kingdom has saprophytic, parasitic and symbiotic nutrition. Why?


❄️Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include microorganisms such as yeasts, moulds and mushrooms. 

❄️The organisms found in Kingdom fungi contain a cell wall and are omnipresent. 

❄️They are classified as heterotrophs among the living organisms.

❄️Kingdom fungi has three modes of nutrition,they are;

Saprophytic – The fungi obtain their nutrition by feeding on dead organic substances. 

Examples: Penicillium and Aspergillus.

Parasitic – The fungi obtain their nutrition by living on other living organisms (plants or animals) and absorb nutrients from their host. 

Examples: Taphrina and Puccinia.

Symbiotic – These fungi live by having an interdependent relationship association with other species in which both are mutually benefited. 

Examples: Lichens and mycorrhiza. 

X. See the Diagram and write the kingdom :

Pictures of some living organisms are given below. Identify the kingdom to which each of these belong and write the kingdom name in the blanks provided.

a). Kingdom plantae

b). Kingdom protista

c). Kingdom plantae

d). Kingdom Animalia

e). Kingdom Fungi

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