I Choose the correct answer 

1. Silk weaving and household industries come under the category of ________ 

a) Small scale industry 

b) Large scale industry 

c) Marine based industry 

d) Capital intensive industry

Ans: a) Small scale industry 

2. On the basis of ownership the industry can be divided into ________ types 

a) 2 

b) 3 

c) 4 

d) 5 

Ans: c) 4 

3. Amul dairy industry is best example of ________ sector. 

a) Private Sector 

b) Public Sector

 c) Co-operative sector 

d) Joint sector

Ans: c) Co-operative sector 

4. Iron and Steel and Cement Industries are the examples of ________ industries.

a) Agro based 

b) Mineral based

c) Forest based 

d) Marine based

Ans: b) Mineral based

5. Tertiary activity is divided into ________ types

a) 4 

b) 3

c) 2 

d) 5

Ans: c) 2 

II Fill in the blanks

1. Banking is a ________ economic activity.

Ans: Tertiary

2. Tertiary activity is divided into ________ and ________

Ans: quaternary, quinary 

3. Government decision making process comes under the ________ category of

tertiary economic activity.

Ans: quinary 

4. Raw material based perspective Cotton Textile industry is a ________ industry.

Ans: agro based 

5. Capital required for establishing a large scale industry is more than ________

Ans: one Crore 

III Match the following

Judicial sector

Private Sector

TV telecasts

Non Geographical factor

Geographical factor

Quaternary activity


Raw materials

Bajaji Auto

Quinary activity


Judicial sector

Quinary activity

TV telecasts

Quaternary activity

Geographical factor

Raw materials


Non Geographical factor

Bajaji Auto

Private Sector

IV Distinguish between

1. Secondary economic activity and tertiary economic activity.

Secondary economic activity

Tertiary economic activity.

It changes raw materials into usable products through processing and manufacturing

It provided essential services and support industries to function. 

Eg: Bakery

Eg: Education

2. Agro based and marine based industries.

Agro based  industries

Marine based industries

Industries which use plant and animal based products as raw materials. 

Industries which use products from sea and oceans as raw materials. 

Eg: Cotton textile 

Eg: Sea food processing 

3. Large scale industries and small scale industries.

Large scale  industries

Small scale industries

The Capital required for the establishment of an industry is more than one crore 

The Capital required for the establishment of an industry is less than one crore 

Eg: Iron and Steel 

Eg: Silk wearing 

V  Answer briefly

1. Define industry.

Industry is a place of process by which the raw materials are changed into finished products.

2. What is meant by economic activity?

Any action that involves the production, distribution, consumption or services in an activity.

3. Name the major economic activities.

Primary economic activities, secondary economic activities and tertiary economic activities are the fundamental and major economic activities.

4. What is Quinary activity? Elucidate with an example.

Quinary economic activities refer to the high level decision making processes by executives in industries, business, education, and government.

This sector includes top executives or officials in the fields of science and technology, universities, health care etc. 

In our house, our parents purchase household articles and make decisions by themselves in some situations.

 Similarly, the council of ministers take decisions to introduce various people welfare schemes in the state. These two are examples of quinary activities

5. Name the factors responsible for the location of industries.

Industrial locations are influenced by the availability of many factors. Some of them are: Raw Materials, Land, Water, Labour, Capital, Power, Transport, and Market. The locational factors of industries are grouped into: Geographical factors and Non-Geographical factors.

6. Write a short note on the following

a) Large scale industries

b) Small scale industries

(a) Large Scale Industries: The capital required for the establishment of an industry is more than one crore the industry is called a large scale industry. Iron & steel, Oil refineries, Cement and Textile industries are the best examples for large scale industries. 

(b) Small Scale Industries:The capital required for the establishment of an industry is less than one crore, the industry is called a small scale industry. Silk weaving and household industries belong to this category.

VI Answer in Paragraph

1. Classify and explain the industries based on the source of raw materials.

On the basis of raw materials, industries are classified as follows;

(i) Agro Based Industries: 

These industries use plant and animal based products as their raw materials. Example: Food Processing, Vegetable Oil, Cotton Textile, Dairy Products, etc. 

(ii) Mineral Based Industries: 

These are the industries that use mineral ores as their raw materials. Iron made from iron ore is the product of mineral based industry. Cement, Machine Tools, etc. are the other examples of mineral based industries.

(iii) Marine Based Industries: 

These industries use products from the sea and oceans as raw materials. Example; Processed Sea Food, Fish Oil manufacturing units etc.

(iv) Forest Based Industries: 

These industries use forest products as their raw materials. Example: Pulp & Paper, Furniture and Some Pharmaceuticals industries, etc

2. Explain the Geographical factors which affect the location of industries?

The geographical factors which affect the location of industries are;

1. Raw Material:

Bulky goods and weight losing materials cannot be transported for long distances. Therefore, industries like iron and steel and sugar industries are located near the place of availability of iron ore and sugar cane respectively. 

2. Power: 

Power is base and essential to run the entire industry. Power is mostly generated from conventional sources like coal, mineral oil and water. 

3. Labour: 

Availability of cheap and skilled labour is another important requirement for labour intensive industries (e.g., Tea industry). 

4. Transport: 

It is needed for transporting raw materials to the industries and also for sending the finished products to the market. Availability of easy transportation always influences the location of an industry. 

5. Storage and Warehousing: 

The finished goods should reach the market at the end of the process of manufacturing. Hence, such finished products should be stored at suitable storage or warehouse till the goods are taken to the market. 

6. Topography: 

The site that is selected for the establishment of an industry must be flat. So, it can be well served by different modes of transport. 

7. Climate: 

Extreme climate condition is not suitable for the successful industrial growth. Moreover, there are certain industries which require a specific climate. Example: Cool- humid climate is ideal for cotton textile industry. 

8. Water Resources: 

Many industries are established near rivers, canals, and lakes. Iron and steel industries, textile industries and chemical industries require plenty of water, for their proper functioning.

3. Classify the industries through a flow chart.

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