
I. Choose the correct answer

1. __________society is constantly changing with additions, assimilations and omissions

from within and outside.

a) Human 

b) Animal

c) Forest 

d) Nature

Ans: a) Human 

2. The First women doctor in India was

a) Dharmambal

b) Muthulakshmi Ammaiyar

c) Moovalur Ramamirdham

d) Panditha Ramabai

Ans: b) Muthulakshmi Ammaiyar

3. The practice of sati was abolished in ___________________.

a) 1827 

b) 1828 

c) 1829 

d) 1830

Ans: c) 1829 


4. B.M Malabari was a

a) teacher

 b) doctor

c) lawyer 

d) journalist

Ans: d) journalist

5. Which of the following was/were the reform movement(s)?

a) Brahma Samaj

b) Prarthana Samaj

c) Arya Samaj

d) all the above

Ans: d) all the above

6. The Bethune school was founded in  by J.E.D. Bethune.

a) 1848 

b) 1849 

c) 1850 

d) 1851

Ans: b) 1849 

7. Which commission recommended to start primary schools for girls in 1882 ?

a) Wood’s 

b) Welby

c) Hunter 

d) Muddiman


8. Sarada’s child Marriage Bill fixing the minimum marriageable age for girls at _______________________.

a) 11 

b) 12 

c) 13 


Ans: d)14

II Fill in the blanks

1. ______________society was set up by the Christian missionaries in 1819.

Ans: Alath Pemal Juvenile

2. _______________of Sivaganga fought bravely against the British.

Ans: Velu nachiyar

3. Servants of India Society was started by _______________________.

Ans: Gopal Krishna Gokhale

4. _________________was the one of the greatest social reformer of Tamil Nadu.

Ans: Periyar

5. Kandukuri Veeresalingam published a journal called _______________.

Ans: Vivekavardhini

III Match the following

1. Theosophical society - Italian traveler

2. Sarada Sadan - Social evil

3. Wood’s Despatch - Annie Besant

4. Niccolo Conti - Pandita Rama Bhai

5. Dowry - 1854


1. Theosophical society - Annie Besant

2. Sarada Sadan - Pandita Rama Bhai

3. Wood’s Despatch - 1854

4. Niccolo Conti - Italian traveler

5. Dowry - Social evil

IV State True or False

1. Women were honoured in Rig Vedic period.

Ans: True

2. Devadasi system was a social evil.

Ans: True

3. Raja Rammohan Roy, was the pioneer of Indian social reform movement.

Ans: True

4. Reservation of 23% to women envisaged an improvement in the socio- political status of women.

Ans: False

Reservation of 33% to women envisaged an improvement in the socio- political status of women.

5. The age of marriage was raised for boys and girls by the Sharda Act of 1930.

Ans: True

V Choose the correct statement

1. Find out the correct pair.

a) Women’s university - Prof. D.K. Karve

b) Justice Ranade - Arya Samaj

c) Widow Remarriage Act - 1855

d) Rani Lakshmi Bhai - Delhi

Ans: a) Women’s university - Prof. D.K. Karve

2. Find the odd one out.

a) child marriage

 b) sati

c) devadasi system 

d) widow remarriage

Ans: d) widow remarriage

3. Consider the following Statements

i) Begum Hazarat Mahal, Rani Lakshmi Bhai led an armed revolt against the

British ii) Velunachiyar of Sivaganga, TamilNadu fought bravely against the

British Which of the statement (s) given above is/or correct?

a) i only 

b) ii only

c) i and ii 

d) neither i nor ii

Ans: c) i and ii 

4. Assertion (A): Raja Rammohan Roy is most remembered by all Indians

Reason (R): He wiped out the evil practice of Sati form the Indian Society

a) A and R are wrong

b) A is correct and R is Wrong

c) A is correct and R explains A

d) A is correct and R does not explain A

Ans: c) A is correct and R explains A

VI Answer the following in one or two sentences

1. Name the prominent leaders who fought for the upliftment of women.

Raja Rammohan Roy, Dayananda Saraswathi, Keshab Chandra Sen, Iswara Chandra VidyaSagar, Pandita Ramabai, Dr. Muthulakshmi Ammaiyar, Jyoti rao phule, Periyar E.V.R, Dr. Dharmambal were the prominent leaders who fought for the upliftment of women.

2. List out some social evils.

◼️ Female infanticide

◼️ Female Foeticide

◼️ Child marriage

◼️ Sati

◼️ Devadasi System

3. Who were the notable women during the medieval period?

Razia Sultana, Queen Durgavati, Chand Bibi, NurJahan, Jahan nara, Jiyabai and Mirabai.

4. Mention the important women freedom fighters of India.

Velunachiyar of Sivaganga, Begum Hazrat Mahal, Rani Lakshmi Bhai of Jhansi.

5. Give a note on Sati.

◼️ Sati was social evil that prevailed in Indian society especially among the Rajputs

◼️ Woman immolate herself by sitting on the funeral pure, after her husband’s death.

◼️ Earlier it was a voluntary act but later by the relatives forced the widow to sit on the funeral pyre

VII Answer the following in detail

1. Trace the role of women in freedom struggle.

◼️ In the early anti-colonial struggle women played major roles in various capacities. 

◼️ Velunachiyar of Sivaganga fought violently against the British and restored her rule in Sivaganga. 

◼️ Begum Hazrat Mahal, Rani Lakshmi Bhai of Jhansi led an armed revolt of 1857 against the British. 

◼️ In the freedom struggle thousands of women came out of their homes, boycotted foreign goods, marched in processions, defied laws, received lathi charges and Courted jails. 

◼️ Their participation in the struggle added a new dimension of mass character. 

2. Explain the contribution of the Social Reformers for the eradication of social evils.

 The reformers who led the movements were the forerunners of modern India. 

a) Raja Rammohan Roy

◼️ Raja Rammohan Roy, the pioneer of Indian social reform movement was a casteless crusader of sati after having seen this practice in the case of his own sister-in-law.

◼️ He also protested against the child marriage and female infanticide. 

◼️ He favoured the remarriage of widows, female education and women’s right to property.

b) Ishwar Chandra Vidhyasagar

◼️ Ishwar Chandra Vidhyasagar carried on the movement for female education, widow remarriage and abolition of polygamy in Bengal.

c) Kandukuri Veeresalingam

◼️ He was the earliest champion in South India of women’s emancipation. He published a journal viveka vardhani. 

◼️ He opened his first girls’ school in 1874 and made widow remarriage and female education the key points of his programme for social reform.

d) M.G. Ranade and B.M. Malabari

◼️ In 1869, Ranade joined the Widow Remarriage Association and encouraged widow remarriage and female education and opposed child marriage.

◼️ In 1887, he started the National Social Conference, which became a pre-eminent institution for social reform. 

◼️ In 1884, B.M. Malabari, a journalist, started a movement for the abolition of child marriage. 

e) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

◼️ In 1905, Gopal Krishna Gokhale started the Servants of India Society which took up such social reform measures as primary education, female education and depressed classes’ upliftment. 

◼️ The spread of female education further led to the participation of women in the freedom struggle.

f) Periyar E.V.R

◼️ Periyar E.V.R. was one of the greatest social reformers of Tamil Nadu. 

◼️ He advocated women education, widow remarriage and inter-caste marriages and opposed child marriages.

g) Women Reformers

Women reformers like Pandita Ramabai, Rukhmabai and Tarabai Shinde,Dr. Annie Besant,Dr. S. Dharmambal,Dr. Muthulakshmi Ammaiyar and Moovalur Ramamirdham Ammaiyar etc.

3. Give a detailed account on the Impact of reform movement.

Impact of reform movement 

◼️ Significant advances were made in the field of emancipation of women. 

◼️ It created national awakening among the masses.

◼️ It created the feeling of sacrifice, service and rationalism. 

◼️The practice of sati and infanticide were made illegal. 

◼️ It permitted widow remarriage.

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