Class VI T1 English Unit I Sea Turtles Question answers

Prose- Sea Turtles

Talk about …

1. Have you seen turtles? Where do they live?

Ans: Yes, I have seen turtles. They live in the ocean.

2. What do you know about turtles?

Ans: I know that turtles live in warm oceans and live for long periods.

3. Why do you think the turtles in the picture have names such as Leatherback and Hawksbill?

Ans:  I think the shells of the turtles look like leather and bill of the hawk.

Put a (✔) for the correct and a (ㄨ) for the incorrect statements.

1. Turtles are different from tortoises.

2. Turtles are sea animals.

3. There are seven kinds of sea turtles in the world.

4. Sea turtles are very small.

5. Turtles come ashore to lay eggs.

6. Sea turtles come to rest on land.

7. Olive Ridleys are the only sea turtles seen on Indian shores.

Are these statements right? Discuss with your partner and (√) them if they

are correct. Correct them if they are wrong. Share your answers in class.

1. Female Olive Ridleys come ashore at night to lay eggs.  

2. The eggs of an Olive Ridley are in the shape and size of a cricket ball.

3. Ridleys come to lay their eggs in the month of January. 

4.The turtles use their flippers and make a hollow for their nests. 

5. The hatchlings use a tiny egg-tooth to come out of the eggs. 

Fill in the table given below.


Problems faced by the hatchlings





Survival of sea turtles

becomes difficult.

Reduce the usage of




Eat them as food

Provide fence and protection.


Human Activities

Damage eggs,hatchlings 

Conservation and marking safe zone


A. Choose the correct answers. You may choose more than one answer if


1. The ___________________ is a biological relative of tortoises.

a. sea turtle

b. fish

c. reptile

Ans: a. sea turtle

2. In India’s coastal waters we can see a species of ___________________.

a. tortoises

b. sea turtles

c. dolphin

Ans: b. sea turtles

3. Sea turtles come to the shore to___________________.

a. visit their birth place

b. lay eggs

c. go back to sea

Ans: b. lay eggs

4. It is a problem for sea turtles to come ashore because _________________.

a. they find it difficult to walk on sand

b. they don’t know their way to the shore

c. animals and people hunt them

Ans: a. they find it difficult to walk on sand

5. A turtle’s flippers help it to ___________________.

a. swim

b. dig a nest

c. climb

Ans: a. Swim

6. A sea turtle camouflages its nest by tossing sand on it to ______________.

a. hide its eggs from predators

b. incubate eggs in the warmth of the sun

c. keep the hatchlings safe

Ans: a. hide its eggs from predators

b. incubate eggs in the warmth of the sun


B. Find any five words related to sea from the text (Sections I & II).

 Write them below. Then use the words to frame sentences of your own.

eg: beach – We like to play in the sandy beach.

Sand - Children like to  play in the beach sand

Crab - People like to eat crab as seafood

Tide - The tides are very high

Swim - Everyone like to learn swimming

Fish - There are numerous varieties of fishes that live in the sea.

C. Fill in the blanks with words that convey the correct meaning of the sentences.

1. Tiny hatchlings fall _________ (pray / prey) to many predators.

Ans: prey

2. Sea turtles live their _________ (hole / whole) life in the sea .

Ans: whole

3. The turtles come ashore only during the _________ (night / knight).

Ans: night

4. The predators follow the _________ (sent / scent) of the turtles to eat their eggs.

Ans: scent

5. The female turtles lay eggs and go back to the _________ (see / sea).

Ans: sea

D. Use the clues and fill in the crossword puzzle.



G. Make meaningful sentences from the table given below.

A turtle is huge.

A turtle has flippers to swim.

Turtles live in the sea.

Turtles have a connection with the land.

Turtles are found in coastal waters.

Turtles are wonderful creatures.

H. Write a suitable sentence for the pictures given below.

I. Match the two halves of the sentences and read them.

Sea turtle - come ashore to lay eggs

Hatchings - cut open the leathery egg shell

A turtle         - uses its front flippers to swim

Many factors         - threaten the survival of sea turtles

J. Tortoises and Turtles are not the same. Read the facts given below. List the similarities and differences between them. 




Reptile family

Reptile family

Has a long life

Life for many years


Land animal

Sea animal

Used tiny feet to walk

Uses flippers to swim

Eats grass, weeds and flowers

Eats insects and bugs

K. Write a paragraph from the contents of the table given above. Frame

 sentences with these words – but, as well as, whereas.

eg. A turtle as well as a tortoise belongs to the reptile family

A turtle as well as a tortoise belongs to the reptile family. The tortoise is a land animal but the turtle is a sea animal. The tortoise eats grass, weeds and flowers, whereas the turtle eats insects and bugs. The turtle as well as the tortoise lives for many years.

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