Class VI T1 SS What is History? Textbook Solutions

UNIT – 1  What is History?

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. What was the step taken by the early man to collect his food? 

a. Trade b. Hunting c. Painting d. Rearing of animals

Ans: b. Hunting

II. Match the statement with the Reason. Tick the appropriate answer:

1. Statement: Pre historic man went along with the dog for hunting.

 Reason: Dogs with its sniffing power would find out other animals.

a. Statement is true, but reason is wrong.

b. Statement and reason are correct.

c. Statement is wrong, and reason is correct.

d. Both statements and reasons are wrong.

Ans: b:Statement and reason are correct.

2. Statement: The objects used by the early man are excavated. They are preserved to know the lifestyle of the people. 

Find out the following is related to the statement.

a. Museum b. Burial materials c. stone tools d.Bones

Ans: a.Museum

3. Find out the wrong pair:

a. Old stone age - Stone tools

b. Rock paintings - Walls of the caves

c. Copper plates - A source of history

d. Cats - First domesticated

Ans: Cats – First domesticated

4. Find the odd one:

a. Paintings were drawn on rocks and caves.

b. There were paintings depicting hunting scenes.

c. It was drawn to show his family members about hunting.

d. The paintings were painted by using many colours.

Ans: c. It was drawn to show his family members about hunting. 

III. Fill in the blanks:

1. The Old Stone Age man lived mostly in Caves.

2. Herodotus is the father of history.

3. Dog was the first animal tamed by Old Stone Age man.

4. Inscriptions are Archaeological sources

5. Dharma Chakra has 24 spokes.

IV. State True or False:

1. Stone tools belonging to Old Stone Age have been excavated at AthIrampakkam near



2. The materials used by the ancient people are preserved in the museums by the

Archaeological Department. 


3. During the period of Ashoka, Buddhism spread across the country. 


V. Match the following:

Rock paintings

to understand the lifestyle

Written records

copper plates


the most famous king


Literature Devaram

VI. Answer in one word:

1. Can you say any two advantages of writing diary?


Advantages of diary writing:

(i) Diary writing helps to record the events.

(ii) It also helps to understand the  lifestyle and activities of people belonging to that particular period.

2. How do we know the people’s lifestyle of the Old Stone Age?


We understand the lifestyle of people of old stone age from 

-used stone tools, 

-their paintings on the rocks and walls of the caves.

3. Is inscription a written record?  


Yes,Inscription is a written record. 

4. What is proto history?


The period between pre-history and History is known as proto history.

5. Name an epic?


Few of the epics are;

Ramayana, Mahabharata.

VII. Answer the following:

1. What is history?

  • History is a record of past events in chronological order.

  • The term History has been derived from the Greek word ‘historia’ which means

learning by enquiry.

2. What do you know about the pre historic period?

  • The period between the use of first stone tools and the invention of writing system is pre-history.

  • Stone tools, excavated materials and rock paintings are the major sources of  prehistory.

3. What are the sources available to know about the pre-historic period?

The sources available to know about the pre-historic period are 

  • Rock paintings 

  • Stone tools and

  • Other excavated materials.


4. Mention the places from where we got pre-historic tools.

We got the pre-historic tools at 

Adichanallur, Athirampakkam,Paiyampalli, Brahmagiri, Hallur, Hunasagi, Bhimbetka, Lothal.Koldihwa, Mahgara, Chirand etc.

5. What are the benefits of a museum?

  • Museums give experience to learn more about a place’s culture, tradition or history.

  • Museums preserve and exhibit important historical, cultural, artistic, and scientific artifacts. 

  • These exhibits provide more insights and benefits.

6. Name some tools used by early man to hunt animals.

Stones, Stone tools, Sharp rocks, bones and horns of animals were used by early man to hunt animals.

7. Why were paintings drawn on rocks?

Ancient people lived in caves and used to draw paintings in rocks to record their activities through these paintings.

8. Name any two artefacts?

Potteries, Toys, Tools, Ornaments etc.


1. How were dogs useful to pre-historic men?

Our ancestors did not live in a safe environment. There might have been chances of wild animals entering their caves. But, they realised that dogs could help them to prevent the entry of such dangerous animals by sniffing skill. Hence they started domesticating dogs for their protection and hunting activities.

2. Compare the lifestyle of Old Stone Age man with present day lifestyle.

Old Stone Age Man

Present Day Man

Old stone age man was a nomad, he lived in caves and used stone tools to hunt animals and used leaves, fur and skins of animals as dresses. 

Present day man enjoys life with sophisticated life in a safe manner. He enjoys varieties of food, wear various fibre made dresses.

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