Class V Social Science T1U2 Towards History




I. Choose the best answer.

1. Palaeolithic humans,

 a) Wore cotton clothes

 b) Wore leaves and skin of animals

 c) Wore woolen clothes.

Ans: b) Wore leaves and skin of animals

2. __________ was the first pet animal of man.

 a) Cow

 b) Horse

 c) Dog

Ans: c) Dog

3. What was the   first metal invented by early human?

 a) Iron

 b) Copper

 c) Gold

Ans:  b) Copper

II. Fill in the blanks

1. Early man lived in ____________.

Ans: jungles

2. The Stone Age is the period in which stones were used as_____________.

Ans:  tools and weapons

3. _______________ was used to produce fire.

Ans: Flint Stone

4. The  first scientific invention was ________.

Ans: wheel

5.At the end of New Stone Age, _____________ was invented.

Ans: Copper

III. Answer the following.

1. What is  Stone Age?


  • In this period humans were not aware of scripts. 

  • The stone age is the period in which Stones were used as weapons.

  • Stone tools and weapons were used by humans in the stone age. 

  • Humans were not aware of any weapons or metals. 

2. Write a short note on Nomadic Life.

  • Early humans did not know how to grow crops. 

  • They ate whatever they got and drank water from natural sources. 

  • This kind of life was called nomadic life. 

  • They wore skins of animals, leaves and barks of trees to cover their body.

  • They lived in caves and holes of big trees.

  • They used bones, horns, stones, skin, branches of trees and sticks as their tools and weapons. 

3. Define Neolithic age.


  • During the Neolithic age, humans used bones, horns, stones, skin, branches of trees and sticks as their tools and weapons. 

  • This  development in history was called the New stone age or Neolithic age.

4. Write a short note on Pottery.

  • Pottery was one of the greatest inventions by humans. 

  • The baked pot was strong and looked beautiful. 

  • Stone Age people made all the household artefacts by themselves. 

5. Name some Archaeological sites in TamilNadu.

  • In Tamilnadu, Athichanallur, Arikkamedu and Keeladi are Archaeological sites where the objects used by the people of the past are excavated.

  • Coins, potsherds, metal objects and so on are dug out from the sites and preserved in the museum. 

IV. Answer in detail.

1. How can we classify the Stone Age?

  • The Stone Age is the period in which Stones were used as weapons.

  • Stone Age is classified as Palaeolithic age, Mesolithic age and Neolithic age.

Palaeolithic people used sharpened stones as their tools. They used these tools to hunt animals and to tear the flesh of animals

The neolithic people used bones,horns,stones,skins,branches of trees and sticks as their tools and weapons.

2. Write about Chalcolithic Age and Iron Age.

Chalcolithic Age

  • At the end of New Stone Age copper was invented. 

  • In this age both stone and copper were used. 

  • This period was called Chalcolithic Age.

  • Bronze was produced when copper, zinc and tin were mixed together. 

  • The period when people made tools from bronze was called Bronze Age.

Iron Age

  • Humans discovered iron and started using iron tools and weapons. 

  • This age was called the Iron Age. 

  • In this age household articles and agricultural tools were made up of iron. 

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