Class V Social Science T1U3 Good Citizen Textbook Solutions




I. Fill in the blanks

1. Man is a _________________.

Ans: social animal

2. The word civic means _________________ of a nation.

Ans: Citizen

3. The aim of education is to change person into_________________.

Ans: a valuable human being.

4. _______ is the basic value for every individual.

Ans: Personal value

5. Always be _________________ in delivering duty.

Ans: punctual

II. Match the following

Personal Value


Cultural value


Disciplinary value


Social value



Affecting factor

III. Answer the following in brief.

1. Define the term Citizen.


A citizen is a person who is a member of a particular country and enjoys various rights and executes his duties.

A sovereign state provides Citizenship to its people. 

Right to live, right to vote, right to work and reside anywhere in the country are the other rights enjoyed by the citizens.

2. List out any five personal values?


Personal value is the basic value for every individual.  

  • Love

  • Mercy

  • Friendship 

  • Honesty

  • Truth 

are few of the personal values.

3. Write a short note on cultural values.

◻ Becoming well mannered and cultured is an essence of the society.

◻ Irrespective of language and religion people live together in harmony. 

◻ This helps to maintain cultural values. 

◻ We are all humans. We must live together as brothers and sisters.

4. What are the social values?


Social values are some of the moral principles and cultural beliefs defined by society.

Some of the social values are;

◻ Maintain good relations with people  

◻ Respect elders  

◻ Respect nature  

◻ Be tolerant  

◻ Maintain friendship

5. What are disciplinary values?


Disciplinary values train the mental faculties.

Some of the disciplinary values are;

◻ Punctuality, 

◻ Involvement, 

◻ Treating everyone as equal, 

◻ Doing work ontime, 

◻ Holding your morals, 

◻ Doing duties without fail etc. 

IV. Answer in detail.

1. Write about the constitutional values?


The values which safeguard the human rights of every citizen are called constitutional values.

Some of the examples are;

◻ Safeguard the public properties. 

◻ Maintain the unity and integrity of the nation. 

◻ Develop scientific attitude. 

◻ Protect the natural resources Care for the environment. 

◻ Honour the national symbols. 

◻ Respect martyrs and their sacrifices. 

◻ Preserve our culture and heritage. 

◻ Develop patriotism.

2. Write any five factors that enrich good values.


Factors that enriches good values are: 

◻ Literacy 

◻ Creating awareness and interests 

◻ Trying hard till success 

◻ One’s own evaluation 

◻ Acceptance 

◻ Self confidence

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