Class V Social Science T1U4 Atmosphere Textbook Solutions




I. Fill in the blanks

1. Evaluation

I. Choose the best answer.

1. The atmosphere is divided into ___________ layers.

a) four b)  ve

c) six d) seven

Ans: a) four

2. The earth received heat energy from the __________

a) Moon b) Mars

c) Sun d) Venus

Ans: c) Sun

3. World Meteorological day

a) March-20 b) March -21

c) March-22 d) March-23

d) March-23

4. The study of weather is called___________.

a) Meteorology b) Ecology

c) Archaeology d) Sociology

Ans: a) Meteorology

5. Zone located in between Tropic of cancer and Tropic of Capricorn is ________ zone.

a) Temperate b) Subtropical

c) Cold d) Torrid

Ans: d) Torrid

6. _______________ is used to measure pressure in the air.

a) Barometer b) Thermometer

c) Anemometer d) Wind vane

Ans: a) Barometer

7. Monsoon is derived from the ____________ word.

a) Greek b) Arabian

c) English d) Latin

Ans: b) Arabian

8. Vertical cloud is called ___________.

a) Cirrus cloud b) Stratus clouds

c) Cumulus clouds d) Nimbus clouds

Ans: d) Nimbus clouds

9. ________ clouds give convectional rainfall.

a) Cirrus b) Stratus 

c) Cumulus d) Nimbus

Ans: c) Cumulus

11. Statement I - The instrument used to measure wind direction in wind vane.

    Statement II - The speed of light travels faster than sound.

a) Statement I is True II is false

b) Statement I, II are true

c) Statement I, II are false

d) Statement I is False II is True

Ans:  b) Statement I, II are true

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. The instrument used to measure heat ___________.

Ans: Thermometer

2.The imaginary lines drawn parallel to the surface of the earth is ______________.

Ans: Latitude

3. Sea breeze blows from _________ in the evening

Ans: Sea to land

4. ___________ are rain clouds.

Ans: Nimbus clouds

III. Match the following.

Cirrus clouds

Do not give rain 

Stratus clouds

Grey sheet 

Cumulus clouds 

Looks like puffy white cotton

Nimbus clouds

Storm cloud

IV. True/ False.

1. All weather changes occur in the Troposphere

Ans: True

2. Latitudes and Longitudes help us to locate a country. 

Ans: True

3. Atmosphere gets heated by conduction than solar radiation. 

Ans: True

4. The main reason for the change of wind direction is Earth’s rotation. 

Ans: True

5. Cyclone moves in anticlockwise direction. T/F

Ans: False.

Cyclone position, direction and speed changes with time to time.

V. Write short note.

1. What is climate?


Weather is a day to day conditions of atmosphere at any place in regard to temperature, pressure, wind, humidity, and rainfall.

2. Name the atmospheric layers.


The layers of atmosphere are




Thermosphere and 


3. Write a short note on the Nimbus clouds.


Nimbus clouds appear dark or grey in color. 

It gives heavy rainfall. 

It is called vertical or rain clouds.

4.Write a short note on the orographic rainfall.


When the moisture laden winds from the sea climb the hill slopes, it becomes cool and cause heavy rainfall. 

The opposite side of the mountain is called Leeward side. 

It receives very little rainfall. 

VI. Answer in detail.

1. Write about Jet Streams?


Air currents in the upper layers of atmosphere is known as Jet streams. It could determine the arrival and departure of monsoon winds in India.

2. Explain the types of winds.


Winds are classified as follows;

  • Planetary wind: 

Planetary winds move in the same direction throughout the year with the rotation of the Earth. 

  • Monsoon winds:

The word monsoon is derived from the Arabic term ‘mausim’ which means season. 

    • South West monsoon winds  

    • North East monsoon winds

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