Class VI SS C2 Achieving Equality Textbook Solutions


Unit 2

Achieving Equality


I. Choose the correct answer

1. Which one of the following is not the reason for Prejudice?

a. Socialization

b. Economic Benefits

c. Authoritarian personality

d. Geography

Ans: d. Geography

2. Discrimination done on the basis of gender is referred to as

a. gender discrimination

b. caste discrimination

c. religious discrimination

d. Inequality

Ans: a. gender discrimination

3. Gender-based stereotypes are often portrayed in

a. films 

b. advertisements

c. TV serials

d. All of these

Ans: d. All of these

4. Name the book/s written by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

a. India 2020

b. Wings of Fire

c. Ignited Minds

d. All of these

Ans: d. All of these

5. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was conferred Bharat Ratna in the year

a. 1997 

b. 1996

c. 1995 

d. 1994

Ans: a. 1997

6. Viswanathan Anand became India’s first grandmaster in the year.

a. 1985 

b. 1986 

c. 1987 

d. 1988

Ans: d. 1988

7. In which sport Ilavazhagi excels

a. Chess 

b. Wrestling

c. Carrom 

d. Tennis

Ans: c. Carrom

8. Which article of the Constitution says discrimination against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them is not permitted?

a. 14(1) 

b. 15(1) 

c. 16(1) 

d. 17(1)

Ans: b. 15(1) 

9. B.R. Ambedkar was conferred Bharat Ratna in the year

a. 1990 

b. 1989 

c. 1988 


Ans: a. 1990 

10.As per the 2011 Census the highest literate district in Tamil Nadu

a. Namakkal 

b. Salem

c. Kanyakumari 

d. Sivagangai

Ans: c. Kanyakumari 

II. Fill in the blanks

1. People have false belief and ideas on others is called ____________.

Ans: prejudices

2. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born in_______.

Ans: Rameswaram

3. ______ was the first recipient of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award, India’s highest Sport honour.

Ans: Viswanathan Anand

4. __________ was the independent India’s first Law Minister.

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

5. As per the 2011 Census the lowest Sex ratio was in _____________.

Ans: Dharmapuri district

III. Match the following


judge other people negatively 


false view or idea about something


treating someone less fairly than others 

Article 14

equality before law 

Article 17

abolition of untouchability 

IV. Answer the following questions

1. What is Prejudice?

Prejudice means to judge other people in a negative or inferior manner, without knowing much about them. It happens when people have false belief and ideas.

2. What is stereotype?

When prejudice gets stronger, it develops into a stereotype. Stereotype a false view or idea about something. For example girls are hot good at sports.

3. What is discrimination?

Discrimination can be defined as negative actions towards people. Discrimination can happen on the basis of colour, class, religion, gender, etc.

4. What are the articles that are discussing the equality in the Indian Constitution?

Article 14 of the constitution of India provides equality before the law or equal protection within the territory of India.

Article 15(1) of the Constitution states that the State shall not to discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.

Article 17 of the Indian Constitution, untouchability is totally abolished.

V. Answer the following in detail

1. What are the causes of Prejudice?

Some common social factors that contributes to the rise of prejudice are

  • Socialization

  • Conforming behaviours

  • Economic benefits

  • Authoritarian personality

  • Ethno–centrism

  • Group closure

  • Conflicts

2. Write any two types of discrimination?

Gender Discrimination

  • Gender discrimination refers to health, education, economic and political inequalities between men and women in India. For example, A girl is not allowed to go to college after finishing her schooling.

  • Most of the girls are not allowed to select a career of their choice rather they are forced into marriage.

  • In some families, girls are not allowed to wear modern dresses while boys in such families often wear modern dresses.

Religious Discrimination 

  • Religious discrimination is unequal treatment of an individual or group based on their beliefs.

  • Religious discrimination has been around for a long time

  • There have been problems between people of different religions for thousands of years.

  • Some people are not allowed to enter public places; especially the places of worship because they belong to another religion.

  • Some religious people often end up in conflict with each other because of their rituals and way of life.

3. Explain the solution to the removal of inequality and discrimination in Indian


  • Wider access to quality basic services like healthcare and education for all.

  • Be aware of current gender bias.

  • Make women more visible in public life and institutions to eradicate gender disparity.

  • Be open to learning about other religions.

  • Promoting community dining in the classroom may help the students to sit together without any bias of caste, religion or gender.

  • Socialise with people of all types outside home.

  • Effective implementation of laws. 

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