Class VI SS T! G2 Land and Oceans Question and Answers


Unit 2 

Land and Oceans


A. Choose the correct answer

1. Which of the following is the smallest ocean on Earth?

a. The Pacific Ocean

b. The Indian Ocean

c. The Atlantic Ocean

d. The Arctic Ocean

Ans: d. The Arctic Ocean

2. The Malacca Strait connects

a. The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

b. The Pacific and Southern Oceans

c. The Pacific and Indian Oceans

d. The Pacific and Arctic Oceans

Ans: b. The Pacific and Southern Oceans

3. Which of the following oceans is the busiest ocean?

a. The Pacific Ocean

b. The Atlantic Ocean

c. The Indian Ocean

d. The Arctic Ocean

Ans: b. The Atlantic Ocean

4. The frozen continent is

a. North America 

b. Australia

c. Antarctica 

d. Asia

Ans: c. Antarctica 

5. A narrow strip of water that connects two large water bodies

a. A Strait 

b. An Isthmus

c. An Island 

d. A Trench

Ans: a. A Strait

B. Fill in the blanks

1. The world’s largest continent is _________________.

Ans: Asia

2. _________________is the mineral rich plateau in India.

Ans: Chotanagar Plateau

3. The largest ocean is _______________ .

Ans: The Pacific ocean

4. Deltas are _____________order landforms.

Ans: third

5. The Island continent is __________ .

Ans: Australia

C. Circle the odd one out

1. Africa, Europe, Australia, Sri Lanka

Ans: Sri Lanka

2. The Arctic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean

Ans: The Mediterranean Sea

3. Plateau, Valley, Plain, Mountain

Ans: Valley

4. The Bay of Bengal, the Bering Sea, the China Sea, the Tasman Sea.

Ans: The Bay of Bengal

5. The Andes, the Rockies, the Everest, the Himalayas

Ans: The Everest

D. Match the following

The South Sandwich Trench

The Southern Ocean

The Milwaukee Trench

The Atlantic Ocean

The Mariana Trench

The Pacific Ocean

The Eurasian basin 

The Arctic Ocean 

The Java Trench

The Indian Ocean 

E. i) Consider the following statements

1. Plains are formed by rivers.

2. The ‘South Sandwich Trench’ is found in the Indian Ocean.

3. Plateaus have steep slopes. 

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below.

a. 1 and 3 

b. 2 and 3

c. 1, 2 and 3

d. 2 only

Ans: a. 1 and 3

ii) Which of the following statement (s) is/are true?

Statement I: Mountains are second order landforms.

Statement II: The Mariana Trench is the deepest trench in the world.

a. I is true; II is wrong

b. I is wrong; II is true

c. Both the statements are true

d. Statements I and II are wrong.

Ans: c. Both the statements are true

F. Answer in a word

1. Which is the highest plateau in the world?

Tibetan Plateau

2. Name a second order landform.

Mountains, plateau and plains.

3. Which ocean is named after a country?

Indian Ocean

4. Name the island located in the Arabian Sea.

Lakshadweep and Maldives

5. What is the deepest part of the ocean called as?


G. Answer in brief

1. What is a continent?

The vast land masses on earth are called continents.

2. Name the continents which surround the Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean is bounded by North America and South America in the west and Europe and Africa in the East.

3. What are oceans?

Oceans are vast expanse of water

4. List out the names of continents according to their size.

Largest → Smallest

Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia.

5. Name the oceans which surround North America and South America.

North America: On the west by Pacific Ocean, on the east by Atlantic Ocean and on the north by Arctic Ocean

South America: On the west by Pacific Ocean, on the east by Atlantic Ocean

H. Distinguish between

1. A Mountain and a Plateau



A landform that rises over 600 metre above

its surroundings and has steep slopes is called a mountain

Plateaus are the elevated portions of the earth that have flat surfaces bounded by steep slopes. The elevation of plateaus may be a few hundred metres or several thousand metres.

Ex: Himalayas

Ex : Chotanagpur Plateau

2. An ocean and a sea



Oceans are vast expanses of water.

Seas are water bodies partially or fully enclosed by land.

Ex: Pacific Ocean

Ex: Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea.

I. Answer the following questions in detail

1. Mention the classification of landforms.

a. First order landforms 

Continents and oceans are grouped as first order landforms. The vast land masses on Earth are called Continents and huge water bodies are called Oceans. 

There are seven continents. They are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Asia is the largest continent, whereas Australia is the smallest one. 

b. Second order landforms 

The second order landforms are categorised as mountains, plateaus and plains. 

c. Third order landforms 

Third order landforms are formed on mountains, plateaus and plains mainly by erosional and depositional activities of rivers, glaciers, winds and waves. Valleys, beaches and sand dunes are some examples of third order landforms.

2. Write a note on plateaus.

  • Plateaus are the elevated portions of the Earth that have flat surfaces bounded by steep slopes. 

  • The elevation of plateaus may be a few hundred or several thousand metres. 

  • The Tibetan Plateau is the highest plateau in the world. It is called the ‘Roof of the world’. 

  • The flat topped part of the plateau is called Tableland. 

  • The plateaus are generally rich in minerals. 

  • The Chotanagpur Plateau is one of the mineral rich plateaus in India. 

  • The Deccan Plateau in peninsular India is of volcanic origin. 

3. Plains are highly populated. Give reasons

  • Plains are flat and relatively low-lying lands. 

  • Plains are usually less than 200 metre above sea level. 

  • Most plains are formed by rivers and their tributaries and distributaries. 

  • They are most suitable for human inhabitation. 

  • Hence, they are the highly populated regions of the world. 

  • The oldest civilisations like the Mesopotamian and the Indus civilisations developed in river plains. 

  • The Indo-Gangetic plain in North India is one of the largest plains in the world. 

  • The plains formed by river Cauvery and Vaigai are important plains found in Tamil Nadu. 

  • Coastal plains are the low lying lands adjacent to oceans and seas.

4. Give the important features of the Pacific Ocean.

  • The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on the Earth. 

  • It covers about one-third of the Earth’s total area and spreads for about 168.72 million 

  • It is bounded by Asia and Australia in its west and North America and South America in its east. 

  • It stretches from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south. 

  • This ocean’s shape is roughly triangular with its apex in the north at the Bering Strait which connects the Pacific Ocean with the Arctic Ocean.

  • The deepest point of the Mariana Trench is   located in the Pacific Ocean. A chain of volcanoes is located around the Pacific Ocean called the Pacific Ring of Fire.

5. Write about the importance of oceans.

  • The Earth looks blue when we see it from space. 

  • This is because two-thirds of it is covered by water. 

  • The water is found in oceans and seas. 

  • Oceans are vast expanses of water. 

  • Seas are water bodies partially or fully enclosed by land. 

  • There are five main oceans in the world.

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