VII T1 SS U3 H Emergence of New Kingdoms in South India Textbook Solutions


Unit -3



I. Choose the Correct answer

1. Who revived the later Chola dynasty? 

a) Vijayalaya 

b) Rajaraja I 

c) Rajendra I 

d) Athirajendra 

Ans: a) Vijayalaya

2. Who among the following Pandya rulers is known for ending the Kalabhra rule? 

a) Kadunkon 

b) ViraPandyan 

c) Kun Pandyan 

d) Varaguna 

Ans: a) Kadunkon

3. Which of the following was the lowest unit of Chola administration? 

a) Mandalam 

b) Nadu 

c) Kurram 

d) Ur 

Ans: d) Ur 

4. Who was the last ruler Vijayalaya line of Chola dyanasty? 

a) VeeraRajendra 

b) Rajadhiraja 

c) AthiRajendra 

d) Rajaraja II

Ans: c) AthiRajendra 

5. An example of Chola architecture can be seen at .

a) Kannayiram 

b) Uraiyur

c) Kanchipuram 

d) Thanjavur

Ans: d) Thanjavur

6. To which of the following, Marco Polo went in the last decade of 13th century in India?

a) Chola mandalam

b) Pandya country

c) Kongu region

d) Malainadu

Ans: b) Pandya country

II Fill in the blanks

1. ___________built the famous Brihadeshwara Temple at Thanjavur.

Ans: Rajaraja-I

2. ___________established a Vedic college at Ennayiram.

Ans: Rajaraja-i

3. ____________was the donor of Velvikudi copper plates.

Ans: Jatila Parantaka Nedunjadayan

4. The royal sectretariat of Pandya kingdom was known as_______________ .

Ans: eluttu-mandapam

III Match the Following

1. Madurai - Capital of Pandyas

2. Gangaikonda Cholapuram- Capital of Cholas

3. Anju- Vannattar - Maritime traders

4. Mani- gramattar - Inland traders

IV. True or False

1. A Muslim state subordinate to Delhi Sultan was in Madurai.

Ans: True

2. Koodal – nagar Kavalan was the title of a Pandya king.

Ans: True

3. Chola kingdom was situated in Vaigai delta.

Ans: False

Chola kingdom was situated in Kaveri delta

4. Kulothunga I belonged to Chalukya – Chola dynasty.

Ans: True

5. The elder son of the Chola king was called Yuvaraja.

Ans: True

V Consider the following statements.

Tick ( √ ) the appropriate answer.

1. Which of the following statements about Later Cholas are correct?

1. They had a system of Local self government.

2. They maintained a strong navy.

3. They were the followers of Buddhism.

4. They built big temples.

a) 1,2 and 3 

b) 2,3 and 4

c) 1,2 and 4 

d) 1,3 and 4

Ans: c) 1,2 and 4 

2. Which of the following statements are true with regard to Rajendra Chola?

1. He assumed the title Gangaikonda Chola.

2. He conquered Southern Sumatra.

3. He is credited with consolidating the Chola power.

4. His naval power enabled him to conquer Srivijaya.

a) 1 and 2 

b) 3 and 4

c) 1,2 and 4 

d) All the above

Ans: d) All the above

3. Assertion:- The Yuvarajas were appointed Governors in the provinces.

Reason:- This was done for their training in administration.

a) R is the correct explanation of A.

b) R is not the correct explanation of A.

c) A is wrong and R is correct.

d) A and R are wrong.

Ans: a) R is the correct explanation of A.

4. Arrange the following administration divisions in descending order.

1. Nadu 

2. Mandalam

3. Ur 

4. Kurram

Ans: Mandalam, Nadu , Kurram, Ur

5. Arrange the events in chronological order.

1. Maravarman appointed Virapandyan as co – regent.

2. Civil war broke out.

3. A Muslim State was established in Madurai.

4. MaravarmanKulasekaran had two sons – Virapandyan and Sundrapandyan

5. SundraPandyan sought help from Ala–ud-din Khalji.

6. Malik Kafur invaded Madurai.


  1. MaravarmanKulasekaran had two sons – Virapandyan and Sundrapandyan.

  2. Maravarman appointed Virapandyan as co – regent.

  3. Civil war broke out.

  4. SundraPandyan sought help from Ala–ud-din Khalji.

  5. Malik Kafur invaded Madurai.

  6. A Muslim State was established in Madurai.

6. Find out


Land grants given to Brahmins


Tax free lands given to temples by Chola rulers


Land granted to Jain institutions


Holders were called vellalars who retained major share in harvest

VI Answer in one or two sentences

1. What were the items exported during the later Chola period?

During the later Chola period the items exported were sandalwood, ebony, condiments, precious gems, pepper, oil, paddy, grains and salt.


2. What was called Chatur-vedi-mangalam?

Kinga pandya and local chief created Brahmin settlements called Mangalam or Chaturvedi-mangalam with irrigation facilities.


3. Write about Kanikadan.

The revenue of the Chola state came mainly from the land. The level tax was known as Kanikadan. The Chola ruler carried out an elaborate survey of land in order to fix the government’s share of the land revenue. One third of produce was collected as land tax. It was collected mostly in kind. 

VII Answer the following in detail

1. Highlight any five aspects of Cholas’ legacy.

  1. The Chola rulers established a well organised system of administration. Local administration worked through various bodies such as Urar, Sabhaiyar, Nagarattar and Nattar.

  2. Cholas gave importance to irrigation.The 16-mile long embankment built by Rajendra Chola in Gangaikonda Cholapuram is an illustrious example. 

  3. The Chola period witnessed an extensive construction of temples. The temples in Thanjavur, Gangaikonda Cholapuram and Darasuram sculpture, paintings and iconography of the Chola art.

  4. Chola kings were great patrons of learning.The great literary works Periyapuranam and Kamba Ramayanam belong to this period

  5. There was a flourishing trade during the Chola period. Trade was carried out by two guild-like groups: anju-vannattar and manigramattar

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