C6 T1 ENG U1 Supplementary - Owlie - Textbook Solutions


Supplementary - Owlie

A. Identify the character/ speaker.

1. Owlie’s gone!

Ans: Payal

2. She opened one eye and then the other.

Ans: Owlie

3. Don’t panic.

Ans: Payal’s mom

B. Choose the correct answer from the options given.

1. The owlet was brown and grey .

2. In Payal’s family, they were all vegetarian.

3. The cage was shifted to the library.

C. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Payal and her mother started talking bravely about where to bury Owlie. Just then, Owlie opened one eye and then the other. She got onto her feet and quietly climbed the perch! Payal learnt later that falling on her back and pretending to be dead was Owlie’s way of defending herself against danger.

1. Why did Payal and her mother want to bury Owlie?

They thought that the Owlie had died.

2. What did Owlie do then?

Owlie opened one eye then the other eye.

3. What did Payal learn from Owlie’s pretence?

Payal learned from Owlie how to defend during danger.

D. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences in the correct order.

  • Payal’s house was a home for abandoned animals.

  • One day they got a carton.

  • Payal’s mother opened the carton.

  • She found an owlet in one corner.

  • It was a small ball of brown and grey.

  • Payal’s mother picked her up gently.

E. Discuss in pairs. Then write the answers.

1. What kind of a girl was Payal? What did she like? How did she behave with animals and people?

Payal was a kind-hearted girl.

She likes pets.

Payal takes more care and love for animals.

2. Do you think Owlie was happy to be with Payal? Give reasons for your answer.

Yes.Owlie was very happy with Payal.

Payal takes care of the bird with great love.

Payal would leave the cage door open and put a plate of mincemeat on top of the cage to make Owlie to find her food.


G. Write a caption for these pictures. One is done for you. 






H. Find their group name and write them in the blanks. One is done for you. eg: elephant, tiger, lion, monkey - Land animals 

1. eel, seal, walrus, seahorse - Sea Animals 

2. pearl, coral, conch, oil - Gems

3. submarine, ship, yacht, ferry - Water Transport

4. kite surfing, scuba diving, parasailing -Water Sports 

5. albatross, penguin, pelican, fish hawk - Birds

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