Class 3 T1 Eng L1 Our Kitchen- I Can Do


1. Write the names of the utensils.




2. Read the sentence and write True (T) for Flase (F).

We cut with knife. 

( T )

We mix with recipe book. 

( F )

We make milkshake with mixie.

( T )

We fry with pan.

( T )

3. Match the word with picture.




4. Arrange the letters and write the correct word.

  • Beat with a whisk.

  • Grate a the carrot for salad. 

 5. Recite the poem “Bender the Blender”.

6. Listen to the teacher and ask a question. 

a. Ask a pen from your friend. 

Ans: Can you give me your pen?

b. Ask a notebook from your brother/sister.

Ans: Can you give me your notebook?

7. Circle the odd one. 

8. 8. Write C for things you can count and U for things you cannot count.

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