Class 3 T1 Eng L3 The Right Place - The World Around Us

1. Tick  ( ✔ ) the correct one.

2. Match the picture with its use.

3. Listen, think and write.

a. Name the animal in the story. The animal in the story is ________.

Ans: Camel

b. Why does camel have long legs? The long legs help to ________ in the sand.

Ans:  walk

c. Why does camel have long eyelashes? The eyelashes protect it from sandy


Ans: winds

d. Where does the camel store food? The camel stores food in its ________.

Ans: hump

e. Where are the camels in the story? The camels in the story are in the ______.

Ans: zoo

Circle the odd one. 

Read and write the correct landform. 

tall and high - 

deep and low - 

water all around -

Fill in the blanks and say it to your friend.

please close the door?

please pass the pencil? 

Fill in the blanks using a or an.

Let us see how to use ‘the’. 

We use ‘the’ for boy as we are taking of a particular boy, but ant is  common so we use 'an'. 

Try these.

Fill in the blanks.

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