I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The producers of food grains are __________________.

Ans: farmers

2. Collection of honey is a ___________occupation.

Ans: Primary

3. The conversion of raw materials into finished goods is called _________.

Ans: manufacturing

4. According to Gandhiji the villages are _________of the nation.

Ans: backbone

5. The percentage of population in the cities of Tamil Nadu is ___________.

Ans: 47

II Match the following:

1. Cattle rearing – Secondary occupation

2. Food processing – Services

3. Iron & Steel Industry – Primary occupation

4. Telephone – Agro based industry

5. Cotton Industry – Tertiary occupation


1. Cattle rearing – Primary occupation 

2. Food processing – Agro based industry

3. Iron & Steel Industry –  Secondary occupation

4. Telephone – Services /Tertiary occupation

5. Cotton Industry – Agro based industry

III  Match and find the odd pair:

1. Small scale Industry – Transaction of Money

2. Forest based Industries – Information Technology

3. Services – Paper Industries

4. Banking – Cattle rearing


1. Small scale Industry – Cattle rearing

2. Forest based Industries – Paper Industries

3. Services – Information Technology

4. Banking – Transaction of Money 

Odd pair:

1. Small scale Industry – Cattle rearing

IV Choose the correct answer:

1. Agriculture is a (Primary / Secondary) occupation

Ans: Primary

2. Economic activities are divided on the basis of (ownership / use)

Ans: use

3. Sugar Industries are (Primary / Secondary) activity

Ans: Secondary

4. Agro based industry (Cotton / Furniture)

Ans: Cotton

5. Dairy farming is a (Public sector / co-operative sector)

Ans: Co-operative

V Answer the following questions:

1. Sandhai – Define

In villages, once in a week or month, all things are sold in a particular place at a specific time to meet the needs of the people. That is called ˋSandhaiˊ.

2. What is called barter system?

A system of exchanging goods for other goods is called as barter system. For example, exchange a bag of rice for enough clothes”

3. What is trade?

The action of buying and selling goods and services is called trade.

4. What is Savings?

The amount from the income which is left for future needs after consumption is called savings.

5. What was the necessity for the invention of money?

In olden days, people followed a barter system for buying and selling goods.

“When they exchange commodities, they may lead to certain problems, when comparing the differences in the value of commodities. To solve this problem, people invented a tool called money”

6. What was the reason for the development of settlements near water bodies?

An early man, who hunted and gathered food, later learnt to cultivate crops. When they found rivers which provided them water, they settled down permanently near the rivers. 

7. What are called secondary occupations?

The raw materials obtained from the primary activities are converted into finished products through machinery on a large scale. These activities are called secondary activities. Occupations involved in secondary activities are called secondary occupations.

8. Name the city centred industries.

Small scale industries and unorganized sectors are mostly found in cities. Agro based industries, Forest based industries,Mineral based industries, Marine based industries,Transport,Communication,Trade and  Banking sectors are found in the cities.

VI Answer the following in detail:

1. List out the important primary occupations of your district.

Some of the primary occupations in our districts are agriculture,cattle rearing,cotton crop production,collection of fruits,honey,medicinal plants etc.

2. Mention the manufacturing industries found in your district.

Ginning factories, Spinning mills, Weaving mills, Dyeing factories, Sewing industries, Apparel industries, Pump manufacturing industries, Food Processing industries, Motor manufacturing industries.

3. How are the industries classified on the basis of raw materials?

On the basis of raw materials, industries are classified as

„ Agro based industries – Cotton textiles, Sugar mills and Food processing.

„ Forest based industries – Paper mills, Furniture making, Building Materials.

„ Mineral based industries – Cement, Iron, Aluminium Industries.

„ Marine based industries – Sea food processing

4. Write down the occupations in the service sector

Occupations in the service sectors are

„ Occupations related to roadways, railways, waterways, airways transport 

„ Occupations related to Telephone, Information Technology,Communication etc.

„ Occupations related to Trade

„ Occupations related to banking services

„ Occupations related medical and teaching field

5. What do you know about the features of cities?

Cities will be flooded with more employment opportunities.

Cities will be dense with high population which in turn leads to insufficient basic amenities. 

Poor planning may lead to serious problems in city peoples day to day life.

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