Class VI SS T3 CIvics Democracy Textbook Solutions


Unit 1 


I. Choose the correct answer 

1. Early man settled near ________ and practiced agriculture. 

a) plains b) bank of rivers c) mountains d) hills 

Ans:  b) bank of rivers

2. The birthplace of democracy is ________ 

a) China b) America c) Greece d) Rome

Ans: c) Greece

3. ________ is celebrated as the International Democracy Day. 

a) September 15 b) October 15 c) November 15 d) December 15 

Ans: a) September 15

4. Who has the right to work in a direct Democracy? 

a) Men b) Women c) Representatives d) All eligible voters 

Ans: d) All eligible voters

II. Fill in the blanks 

1. Direct Democracy is practised in ________.

Ans: Switzerland

2. The definition of democracy is defined by ________. 

Ans: Abraham Lincoln 

3. People choose their representatives by giving their ________. 

Ans: Votes 

4. In our country ________ democracy is in practice. 

Ans: Representative


III. Answer the following 

1. What is Democracy? 

The citizens of a country select their representatives through elections. Thus,

they take part in the direct governance of a country. This is termed Democracy.

2. What are the types of democracy? 

 Direct democracy and Representative  democracy are the types of democracy.

3. Define: Direct Democracy. 

A political system whereby individuals vote on policy directly instead of through an elected representative. In direct democracy citizens take direct participation in democratic decision making.

4. Define: Representative Democracy. 

A democratic political system whereby an individual is elected by popular vote by the people to represent their interests.

5. What are the salient features of our constitution that you have understood? 

  • Our constitution defines the political principles, the structure of the government institutions and methods to follow these rules and regulations, the powers and responsibilities. 

  • It fixes the Rights and Duties and the Directive Principles of the citizens.

  • It is the longest written constitution in the world.


1. Compare and contrast direct democracy and representative democracy. 

Direct democracy

Representative democracy

Direct democracy is also known as pure democracy.

Representative democracy is also known as indirect democracy.

A direct democracy is one where citizens vote on every issue themselves.

A representative democracy is a system of government where citizens elect representatives to vote on laws on their behalf.

The first direct democracy was in Ancient Greece.

Representative democracies are based on the Roman system

The only direct democracy is Switzerland.

India, UK and France are representative democracies.

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