
Unit 1

Asia and Europe


I. Choose the correct answer

1. Which is not the western margin of Asia?

a) Black Sea

b) Mediterranean Sea

c) Red Sea

d) Arabian Sea

Ans:d) Arabian Sea

2. The Intermontane ______ plateau is found between Elbruz and Zagros.

a) Tibet b) Iran c) Deccan d) The Yunnan

Ans:  b) Iran

3. Equatorial climate:

(i) Uniform throughout the year.

(ii) The average / mean rainfall is 200 mm.

(iii) The average temperature is 10°C.

(iv) Of the statements give above,

a) i alone is correct

b) ii and iii are correct

c) i and iii are correct

d) i and ii are correct

Ans: a) i alone is correct

4. Match list I correctly with list II and select your answer from the codes

given below.

 List – I List – II

A. Malaysia 1. Figs

B. Thailand 2. Rubber

C. Korea 3. Teak

D. Israel 4. Cherry



a) 2, 3, 4, 1

b) 4, 3, 2, 1

c) 4, 3, 1, 2

d) 2, 3, 1, 4 

Ans: a) 2, 3, 4, 1

5. India is the leading producer of _____________.

a) Zinc b) Mica

c) Manganese d) Coal

Ans: b) Mica

6. The natural boundary between Spain and France is _____________.

a) The Alps b) The Pyrenees

c) The Carpathian d) The Caucasus

Ans: b) The Pyrenees

7. The western and north-western Europe enjoys mild and humid climate.

Choose the correct option:

a) These regions are found near the equator

b) It is influenced by the North Atlantic Drift

c) It is surrounded by mountains

d) All of the above

Ans: b) It is influenced by the North Atlantic Drift

8. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) Europe produces electricity from hydel power

b) All the rivers of Europe originate in the Alps

c) Most of the rivers in Europe are used for inland navigation

d) The rivers of Europe are perennial in nature

Ans: d) The rivers of Europe are perennial in nature

9. Choose the incorrect pair.

a) The Meseta - Spain

b) The Jura - France

c) The Pennines - Italy

d) The Black Forest - Germany

Ans: c) The Pennines - Italy

10.Which country in Europe has a very low density of population?

a) Iceland b) The Netherlands

c) Poland d) Switzerland

Ans: a) Iceland

II Fill in the blanks.

1. The Taurus and the Pontine ranges radiate from the _________ knot.

Ans: Armenian

2. The wettest place in the world is _________.

Ans: Mawsynram

3. Iran is the largest producer of _________ in the world.

Ans: Dates

4. Europe connected with south and south east Asia by _________ sea route.

Ans: Suez

5. The national dance of Philippines is _________.

Ans: Tiniklingi

6. The second highest peak in Europe is _________.

Ans: THe Mone Blanc 4807m

7. The type of climate that prevails in the central and eastern parts of Europe is


Ans: Continental type

8. The important fishing ground in North Sea is _________.

Ans: Dogger bank

9. The density of population in Europe is _________.

Ans: 34 persons/ km2

10.The river _________ passes through nine countries of Europe.

Ans: Danube

III Match The Following


1. Mesopotomian Plain - Euphrates & Tigris 

2. Mawsynram -Highest Rainfall 

3. Rice Bowl of Asia - Thailand 

4. Fjord Coast - Norway

5. Bull Fighting - Spain southeast

IV Let us learn

1. Assertion (A): Italy has dry summers and rainy winters

Reason (R): It is located in the Mediterranean region

a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation for A

b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation for A

c) A is true, but R is false

d) A is false, but R is true


a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation for A

2. Places marked as 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the given map are noted for the following plains.

A. Indo – Gangetic plain

B. Manchurian plain

C. Mesopotamian

D. Great plains of China

Match the plains with the notation on the map and select the correct answer using the codes given below.



a) 2 1 4 3

b) 2 1 3 4

c) 1 2 3 4

d) 1 4 3 2

Ans: b) 2 1 3 4

3. In the given outline map of Asia, the shaded areas indicate the cultivation of

a) sugarcane b) Dates c) Rubber d) Jute

Ans: a) sugarcane

V. Answer in Brief

1. Name the important intermontane plateaus found in Asia.

  • The plateau of Anatolia (Pontine to Taurus) 

  • The plateau of Iran (Elburz to Zagros mt) 

  • The plateau of Tibet (Kunlun to Himalayas)

2. Write a short note on monsoon climate.

A monsoon climate is characterised by a dramatic seasonal change in direction of the prevailing winds of a region which brings a marked change in rainfall.

3. How does physiography play a vital role in determining the population of


The population is unevenly distributed because of various physical features. River plains and industrial regions have high population density, whereas low density is found in the interior parts of Asia.

4. Name the ports found is Asia.

Tokyo,Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Chennai, Mumbai, Karachi and Dubai are the important seaports in Asia.

5. Asia is called the ‘Land of Contrasts’- Justify.

  • Asia is the biggest continent. 

  • It has different types of land features such as mountain, plateau, plain, valley, bay, island etc. 

  • It also has different climatic conditions from the equator to polar region. Apart from this, many races, languages, religions and cultures are followed by people who live in Asia. So, Asia is called 'the land of contrasts'.

6. Name the important mountains found in the Alpine system.

The important mountain ranges are 

  • the Sierra Nevada, 

  • the Pyrenees, 

  • the Alps, 

  • the Apennines, 

  • the Dinaric Alps, 

  • the Caucasus and 

  • the Carpathian.

7. What are the important rivers of Europe?

The rivers play an important role in the development of Europe. The important rivers are

  • Volga

  • Danube

  • Dnieper

  • Rhine

  • Rhone

  • Po and

  • Thames

8. Name a few countries which enjoy the Mediterranean type of climate.

  • Italy

  • Spain

  • France and

  • Sicily

9. Give a short note on the population of Europe.

It is the sixth largest and third most populous continent

Europe has been the home to a variety of civilizations including Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. It is also the home to the birth of democracy. Europe has been the central point of two of the biggest wars in modern history: World War I and World War II.

10.Name the important festivals celebrated in Europe.

Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, the Saint Day, Redentore, Tomatina and Carnival are the important festivals of Europe.

VI. Distinguish

1. Intermontane plateaus and southern plateaus.

Intermontane plateaus

Southern plateaus

Intermontane plateaus are found in these mountain ranges. 

The southern plateaus are relatively lower than the northern plateaus.

The important plateaus are;

1.The plateau of Anatolia

2. The plateau of Iran 

3. The plateau of Tibet 

The important plateaus are;

Arabian Plateau (Saudi Arabia), Deccan Plateau (India),

 Shan Plateau (Myanmar) and 

the Yunnan Plateau

2. Cold desert and hot desert

Cold Desert

Hot Desert

Cold desert refers to a desert with an extremely cold climate.

Hot deserts refers to a desert with an extremely hot climate.

The cold deserts of Asia are Gobi and Taklamakan. The largest desert in Asia is the Arabian Desert.

The major hot deserts are the Arabian (Saudi Arabia) and Thar (India and Pakistan) deserts.

3. Tundra and Taiga.



The Arctic and northern Scandinavian highlands have Tundra type of vegetation made up of lichens and mosses.

Coniferous or Taiga vegetations are found in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland and Austria. Pine, fir, spruce and larch are the important tree varieties of taiga forest.

Winters are very long and severe

Winters are long and cold

Summers are very short and warm

Summers are short and warm

4. The North western highlands and the Alpine mountain range.

North western highlands

Alpine mountain range

North western region has the most beautiful fiord coast.

The alpine mountain system consists of a chain of young fold mountains found in the southern part of Europe.

This region includes the mountains and plateaus of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Scotland and Iceland.

The important mountain ranges are the Sierra Nevada, the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Dinaric Alps, the Caucasus and the Carpathian.

VII. Give Reasons

1. Asia is the leading producer of rice.

  • Agriculture is intensively practiced in the riverine plains of Asia.

  • China and India are the leading producers of rice in the world.

  • Asia is suitable for rice cultivation because of the abundant rainfall, fertile plains and availability of labour.

2. Asia is the largest and most populous continent in the world.

  • Asia is the largest and the most populous continent in the world. 

  • It covers about 30 percent of the world’s land area and about 60 percent of the world’s population. 

  • Most of the land of Asia lies in the northern hemisphere. 

  •  Many perennial rivers flow through different parts of Asia. These river valleys are the cradles of ancient civilizations (Indus valley, Mesopotamian and Chinese civilizations)

3. Europe is called ‘a giant peninsula’.

  • Europe is found in the northern hemisphere and it covers an area of 10.5 million 

  • It is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean in the North, the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea in the south, the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Ural mountains in the east. So it looks like a giant peninsula.

4. Although Western Europe is located in the high latitudes, it has a moderate


The western and northwestern parts have a mild, generally humid climate, influenced by the North Atlantic Drift. North Atlantic Drift is a warm ocean current which brings warmth to the western Europe. The westerly wind further transports warmth across Europe. So Western Europe has a moderate climate.

VIII. Answer in Paragraph

1. Give an account of the drainage system in Asia.

The rivers of Asia originate mostly from the central highlands. The Ob, Yenisey and Lena are the major rivers that flow towards the north and drain into the Arctic Ocean. These rivers remain frozen during winter. On the other hand, South Asia has many perennial rivers (e.g.) Brahmaputra, Indus, Ganga and Irrawaddy which originate from the snow covered high mountains that do not freeze during winter. The Euphrates and Tigris flow in West Asia. The Amur, Huang He,Yangtze and Mekong rivers flow in the south and south eastern parts of Asia. Yangtze is the longest river in Asia.

2. Describe the mineral sources found in Asia.

Asia has a variety of mineral deposits. It holds an important place in the production of Iron, Coal, Manganese, Bauxite, Zinc, Tungsten, Petroleum, Tin etc. Oil and Natural Gas found in the west Asian countries. One third of the world’s oil is produced in Asia. Among the west Asian countries, Iran has a considerable wealth of mineral resources. The important minerals found in Asia are:

Iron Ore: Asia has the largest deposits of iron ore in the world.

Coal: Coal is a fossil fuel. Asia has the largest deposits of coal in the world.

Petroleum: Petroleum is a mineral oil. The largest petroleum reserves are found in South West Asia. 

Bauxite is found in India and Indonesia. India is the largest producer of Mica in the world. Tin is found in Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

3. What are fiords? How do they protect harbours from bad weather conditions?

A fiord is a narrow and deep sea inlet between steep cliffs. It helps in the following ways. 

1. It reduces the speed of wind, irrespective of its direction. 

2. The force of sea waves is also controlled. 

Hence, areas with fiords are best suited for natural harbours. 

4. Describe the climatic divisions of Europe.

The climate of Europe varies from the subtropical to the polar climate. The Mediterranean climate of the south has warm summers and rainy winters. The western and northwestern parts have a mild, generally humid climate, influenced by the North Atlantic Drift. In central and eastern Europe, the climate is humid continental-type. In the northeast, subarctic and tundra climates are found. The whole of Europe is subject to the moderating influence of prevailing westerly winds from the Atlantic Ocean.

North Atlantic Drift is a warm ocean current which brings warmth to the western Europe. The westerly wind further transports warmth across Europe

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