Class 6 SS T3 South Indian Kingdoms Textbook Solutions


South Indian Kingdoms


I.Choose the correct answer

1. Who among the following built the VaikundaPerumal temple?

a) Narasimhavarma II b) Nandivarma II

c) Dantivarman d) Parameshvaravarma

Ans: b) Nandivarma II

2. Which of the following titles were the titles of Mahendra Varma I?

a) Mattavilasa b) Vichitra Chitta

c) Gunabara d) all the three

Ans: d) all the three

3. Which of the following inscriptions describes the victories of Pulakesin II?

a) Aihole b) Saranath c) Sanchi d) Junagath

Ans: a) Aihole

II. Read the statement and tick the appropriate answer

1. Statement I: Pallava art shows transition from rock-cut monolithic structure to stone built temple.

Statement II: Kailasanatha temple at Kanchipuram is an example of Pallava art and architecture.

a) Statement I is wrong.

b) Statement II is wrong.

c) Both the statements are correct

d) Both the statements are wrong.

Ans: c) Both the statements are correct

2. Consider the following statement(s) about Pallava Kingdom.

Statement I: Tamil literature flourished under Pallava rule, with the rise in popularity of Thevaram composed by Appar.

Statement II: Pallava King Mahendravarman was the author of the play Mattavilasa Prahasana.

a) I only b) II only

c) Both I and II d) Neither I nor II

Ans: b) II only

3. Consider the following statements about the Rashtrakuta dynasty and find out which of the following statements are correct.

1. It was founded by Dantidurga.

2. Amogavarsha wrote Kavirajmarga.

3. Krishna I built the Kailasanatha temple at Ellora.

a) 1only b) 2 and 3

c) 1 and 3 d) all the three

Ans: d) all the three

4. Which of the following is not a correct pair?

a) Ellora caves - Rashtrakutas

b) Mamallapuram - Narasimhavarma I

c) Elephanta caves - Ashoka

d) Pattadakal - Chalukyas

Ans: c) Elephanta caves - Ashoka

5. Find out the wrong pair.

a) Dandin - Dasakumara Charitam

b) Vatsyaya - Bharathavenba

c) Bharavi - Kiratarjuneeyam

d) Amogavarsha - Kavirajamarga

Ans: b) Vatsyaya - Bharathavenba

III. Fill in the blanks

1. _____________defeated Harsha Vardhana on the banks of the river Narmada.

Ans: Pulikesin II

2. _____________destroyed Vatapi and assumed the title VatapiKondan.

Ans: Narasimhavarma

3. _____________was the author of Aihole Inscription.

Ans: Ravikirti

4. _____________was the army general of Narasimhavarma I

Ans: Paranjothi

5. The music inscriptions in ____________and ____________show Pallavas’ interest in music.

Ans: Kudimiyanmalai, Thirumayam temple

IV. Match the following.

1. Pallavas - Kanchi 

2. Eastern Chalukyas - Vengi

3. Western Chalukyas - Kalyani

4. Rashtrakutas - Manyakheta 

V. State True or False

1. The famous musician Rudracharya lived during Mahendravarma I.

Ans: True

2. The greatest king of the Rashtrakuta dynasty was Pulakesin II.

Ans: False

3. Mamallapuram is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Ans: True

4. Thevaram was composed by Azhwars.

Ans: False

5. The Virupaksha temple was built on the model of Kanchi Kailasanatha Temple.

Ans: True

VI. Answer in one or two sentences

1. Name the three gems of Kannada literature.

The three gems of Kannada literature during the period were Pampa, Sri Ponna and Ranna.

2. How can we classify the Pallava architecture?

Pallava architecture can be classified as

  • Rock-Cut temples – Mahendravarman style

  • Monolithic Rathas and Sculptural Mandapas – Mamallan style

  • Structural Temples – Rajasimhan style and Nandivarman style

3. What do you know of Gatika?

Gatika (monastery or centre of learning) at Kanchi was popular during the Pallava times and it attracted students from all parts of India and abroad.Vatsyaya who wrote Nyaya Bhashya was a teacher at Kanchi (Gatika).

4. Panchapandavar rathas are monolithic rathas. Explain.

The five rathas (chariots), popularly called Panchapandavar rathas, signify five different style of temple architecture. Each ratha has been carved out of a single rock. So they are called monolithic. 

5. Make a note on Battle of Takkolam.

Krishna III (c. 939–967) was the last able ruler of Rashtrakuta dynasty. He defeated the Cholas in the battle of Takkolam (presently in Vellore district) and captured Thanjavur. 

VII. Answer the following

1. Examine Pallavas’ contributions to architecture.

  • The Pallava period is known for architectural splendour. 

  • The Shore Temple and various other temples carved from granite monoliths and the Varaha cave (7th century) at Mamallapuram, are illustrious examples of Pallava architecture. 

  • In 1984, Mamallapuram was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

  •  Pallava architecture can be classified as

    • Rock-Cut temples – Mahendravarman style

    • Monolithic Rathas and Sculptural Mandapas – Mamallan style 

    • Structural Temples – Rajasimhan style and Nandivarman style

2. Write a note on Elephanta island and Kailasanatha temple at Ellora.

Elephanta Island

Originally known as Sripuri and called Gharapuri by the local people, Elephanta is an island near Mumbai. The Portuguese named it as Elephanta, after seeing the huge image of an elephant. The Trimurthi (three-faced) Siva icon is an illustrative of the sculptural beauty portrayed in the Cave Temple of Elephanta. There are impressive images of dwarapalakas (entrance guards) at the entrance of the Temple.

Kailasanatha Temple – Ellora (near Aurangabad, Maharashtra)

Kailasanatha Temple was one of the 30 temples carved out of the hill at Ellora. It was built during the reign of Krishna I. The temple is known for its architectural grandeur and sculptural splendour. The temple covers an area of over 60,000 sq. feet and vimanam (temple tower) rises to a height of 90 feet. This temple has resemblance to the shore temple at Mamallapuram. The Kailasanatha temple portrays typical Dravidian features.


1 . Give an account on Western Chalukyas of Kalyani.

Western Chalukyas of Kalyani

  • They were the descendants of Badami Chalukyas ruled from Kalyani (modern- day Basavakalyan). 

  • In 973, Tailapa II, a feudatory of the Rashtrakuta ruling from Bijapur region defeated Parmara of Malwa. 

  • Tailapa II occupied Kalyani and his dynasty quickly grew into an empire under Somesvara I. 

  • Somesvara I moved  the capital from Manyakheta to Kalyani.

  • During the rule of Vikramaditya VI in the late 11th century, vast areas between the Narmada River in the north and Kaveri River in the south came under Chalukya control.

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