Class 6 T3 SS Understanding disaster Textbook Solutions


Understanding Disaster


I Answer in brief

1. Define Disaster

A disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a society involving human and material loss. 

2. What are the two types of disasters? Give examples.

Disaster is broadly classified into natural and man- made disasters.

Examples for Natural Disaster:

  • Earthquake

  • Volcanoes

Examples for Man-made Disaster:

  • Fire

  • Terrorism

3. Write a short note on ‘Thunder and lightning’.

Thunder is a series of sudden electrical discharges resulting from atmospheric conditions. This discharge results in sudden flashes of light and trembling sound waves which are commonly known as thunder and lightning.

4. Chennai, Cuddalore and Cauvery delta are frequently affected by floods. Give


Because of  the following causes  Chennai, Cuddalore and Cauvery delta are frequently affected by floods.

  • Encroachment of the rivers bank

  • Excessive rainfalls in river catchment areas.

  • Inefficient engineering design in the construction of embankments, dams, and canals.

5. Differentiate: Landslide – Avalanche



The movement of a mass of rocks, debris, soil etc., downslope is called a landslide

A large amount of ice, snow and rock falling quickly down the side of a mountain is called an Avalanche.

II Answer in a paragraph

1. What is flood? Explain the do’s and don’ts during floods.


Floods are high stream flows, which overlap natural or artificial banks of a river or a stream and are markedly higher than the usual flow as well as inundation of low land.

Types of floods

Flash floods, River floods, Coastal floods: 

Do’s and Don'ts during floods:

  • Cut off gas connection and electricity.

  • Keep sand bags on drainage holes and bathroom holes.

  • Leave immediately through the known passage or prescribed passage

  • Drink hot water.

  • Use bleaching powder to keep your environment hygienic.

  • Before using match sticks and candles, ensure that there is no gas leakage.

  • Don’t eat more food when you are affected by diarrhea.

  • Don’t try to take anything that floats in the flood.

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