Class VI T3 S Plants in Daily Life TextBook Solutions


Unit 5 

Plants in Daily Life


I . Choose the correct answer

1. One of the following birds is an example of plant pollinator

a. Duck 

b. Parrot

c. Humming bird 

d. Dove

Ans: c. Humming bird 

2. Natural Mosquito repellant is

a. Nutmag 

b. Bamboo

c. Ginger 

d. Neem

Ans: d. Neem

3. Which of the following is not a root ?

a. Potato 

b. Carrot

c. Radish 

d. Turnip

Ans: a. Potato

4. Which of the following medicinal plants has anticancer properties?

a. Amla

 b. Tulasi

c. Turmeric 

d. Aloe

Ans: a. Amla

5. Which is the national tree of India?

a. Neem tree 

b. Jack tree

c. Banyan tree 

d. Mango tree

Ans: c. Banyan tree

II Fill in the Blanks

1. Every year, October_________ is celebrated as world food day.

Ans: 16th 

2. _________ is an example of textile fibre.

Ans: Cotton

3. I am the state tree of Tamilnadu . Who am I ? ________

Ans: Palm tree

4. The juice of the leaves of ________plant relieves cough and bronchitis.

Ans: Tulasi

5. The edible seeds of leguminous plants are called ________.

Ans: Pulses 

III. True or False – If false give the correct answer

1. Plants grown for decorative purposes are called as softwood.

Ans: False. Plants grown for decorative purposes are called Ornamental plants.

2. Silkworms eat mulberry leaves.

Ans: True

3. Cauliflower is used for ornamental purpose.

Ans: False. Jasmine is used for ornamental purposes.

4. Cotton cloth is not suitable for summer season.

Ans: False. Cotton cloth is suitable for the summer season.

5. Sugarcane is used as biofuel.

Ans: True

IV. Match the following

1. Fibre yielding plant - Hemp 

2. Hardwood - Teakwood 

3. Neem - Chloramine

4. Clove - Spice 

5. Millet - Cereals

V. Analogy

1. mango : fruit :: maize : _______

Ans: cereals

2. coconut : fibre :: rose : _______

Ans: Ornamental

3. bees : pollinate insect :: earthworms : _______

Ans: compost castingfoo

VI. Give very short answer

1. What is food ?

Any substance consumed or absorbed by humans, animals, or plants in order to sustain life and growth is called food.

2. What are medicinal plants?

Plants which have the property of healing diseases are called medicinal plants. Eg. Amla,Tulsi,Neem etc.

3. How hardwood differ from softwood?



Hardwoods are angiosperms

Softwoods are gymnosperms

Used to manufacture furniture 

Used to produce plywood,medium density fibreboard

Eg. Teak, Jackfruit


4. What is a spice?

Spices are aromatic parts of tropical plants traditionally used to flavour the food. Spices come from the bark or roots of certain plants, leaves, flowers or stems of plants primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food.

Eg. Cardomom,black pepper,cloves,cinnamon etc.

5. Name any three medicinal plants, which are available in your area?

Neem, Tulsi, Amla

6. What are the uses of timber?

Timber is used for the construction of buildings and making of furniture.

VII. Give short answer

1. What is a symbiotic relationship?

Any relationship or interaction between two dissimilar organisms is called symbiotic relationship.

2. Write the uses of neem?

Bark, leaves,flowers and stem of neem are used as medicinal parts.

Neem is used to treat stomach upset,intestinal worms,diabetes and skin diseases etc.

3. Name any five plants and their parts that we eat.


Beetroot, Carrot.


Green Vegetables, Curry Leaves, Cabbage.


Potatoes, Yam, sugarcane.


Banana flower, Cauliflower.


Amla, Guava.

VIII. Answer in detail

1 Write short notes on – Timber yielding plants.

The wood needed for the construction of buildings and making of furniture are obtained from certain plants. We use these woods for their features like durability, stylish finishing and resistance to temperature changes.

All commercial timbers are classified into Hardwood and softwood


Hardwoods are angiosperm i,e flowering plants.

High-quality furniture, desks, flooring, and wooden construction are being made only using hardwood. 

Eg. Teak, Jackfruit.


Softwoods are gymnosperm i.e. non-flowering plants 

Certain angiosperms also yield softwood. Softwoods have a wide range of applications such as making plywood, wooden boxes, medium-density Fibreboard (MDF) and paper making. 

Eg: katampu,Pine

2. Comment on importance of plant animal interaction.

1.Animals rely on plants for their food and shelter. This relationship benefits not only animals but also plants. Such a relationship is economically significant.

  • Silkworms feed on mulberry leaves and live on mulberry plants. 

2.Bright colours of flowers, smell and honey attract insects. As the insects go from one flower to another, they leave the pollen grains from their body. This results in cross-pollination and the formation of vegetables and fruits.

  • These insect pollinators and birds need to be protected to produce the best yield. 

  • Bees are the best pollinators. They also give us honey.

3. Plants and algae living in coral reefs are the food for a variety of fishes. 

4. Animals and birds play an important role in spreading seeds of various plants.

The digestive enzymes in the digestive system of the birds soften the protective layer of the seeds and make it easier to germinate.

IX. Questions based on Higher Order Thinking Skills

1. Desert does not have water. Why? Give the reason.

A desert is an area of land that receives only less than 25 centimeters of rainfall in a year. The amount of evaporation in a desert is often greater than the annual rainfall. Hence, in all deserts, there is little water available for plants and other organisms.

2. Kavitha said “ Palm tree is a tall tree, so it gives hard wood”! Do you agree with her statement or not ? Explain Why?

No. I do not agree with her.

Palm trees are neither hardwood or softwood.In fact a palm tree is not really a tree but is a grass much like sugar cane,and rice and therefore technically doesn’t grow any wood. 

3. Look at the diagram given below and answer the following questions.

a. Soil fertility is increased by bacteria How?

Bacteria help fix the atmospheric nitrogen and increase the nitrogen content in the soil. It is referred to as Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria.

Eg. Anabaena, Azotobacter, etc

b. Honey bees are essential for the reproduction of the plants Why?

  • Most flowering plants require a pollinator to transfer pollen from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another.

  • Between 74% and 94% of plants all over the world that produce flowers rely on pollinators.

  • The most important kinds of pollinators are bees, specifically honeybees.

  • There are more than 450 kinds of bees in the world.

  • Hence, honey bees are essential for the reproduction of the plants.

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