Class VI T3 SS Globe Textbook Solutions




I. Choose the correct answer

1. The shape of the Earth is _____________

a) Square b) Rectangle c) Geoid d) Circle

Ans: c) Geoid 

2. The North Pole is

a) 90° N Latitude b) 90° S latitude

c) 90° W Longitude d) 90° E longitude

Ans: a) 90° N Latitude 

3. The area found between 0° and 180° E lines of longitude is called

a) Southern Hemisphere

b) Western Hemisphere

c) Northern Hemisphere

d) Eastern Hemisphere

Ans: d) Eastern Hemisphere

4. The 23 ½° N line of latitude is called _____________

a) Tropic of Capricorn

b) Tropic of Cancer

c) Arctic Circle

d) Antarctic Circle

Ans: b) Tropic of Cancer

5. 180° line of longitude is

a) Equator

b) International Date Line

c) Prime Meridian

d) North Pole

Ans: b) International Date Line

6. The Sun is found overhead the Greenwich Meridian at

a) 12 midnight

b) 12 noon

c) 1 p.m.

d) 11 a.m

Ans: b) 12 noon

7. A day has _____________.

a) 1240 minutes

b) 1340 minutes

c) 1440 minutes

d) 1140 minutes

Ans: c) 1440 minutes

8. Which of the following lines of longitude is considered for the Indian Standard Time?

a) 82½° E

b) 82½° W

c) 81½° E

d) 81½° W

Ans: a) 82½° E

9. The total number of lines of latitude are

a) 171

b) 161

c) 181

d) 191

Ans: c) 181

10. The total number of lines of longitude are

a) 370

b) 380

c) 360

d) 390

Ans: c) 360

II. Fill in the blanks

1. The line of latitude which is known as the Great Circle is ______________.

Ans: equator

2. The imaginary lines drawn horizontally on Earth from the West to East are

called ____________.

Ans: Latitudes

3. The 90° lines of latitude on the Earth are called _____________.

Ans: North and South pole

4. The Prime Meridian is also called ______________

Ans: Greenwich meridian

5. The world is divided into ____________ time zones.

Ans: 24

III Circle the odd one

1. North Pole, South Pole, Equator, International Date Line.

Ans: International Date Line

2. Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Prime Meridian.

Ans: Prime meridian

3. Torrid Zone, Time Zone, Temperate Zone, Frigid Zone

Ans: Time Zone

4. Royal Astronomical observatory, Prime Meridian, Greenwich Meridian,

International Date Line.

Ans: Prime Meridian

5. 10° North, 20° South, 30° North, 40° West

Ans: 40° West

IV. Match the following




0° line of latitude


0° line of longitude


180° line of longitude

International Date line

90° line of latitude


V. Examine the following statements

1. The Earth is spherical in shape.

2. The shape of the Earth is called a geoid.

3. The Earth is flat.

Look at the options given below and choose the correct answer

a) 1 and 3 are correct

b) 2 and 3 are correct

c) 1 and 2 are correct

d) 1,2 and 3 are correct

Ans: c) 1 and 2 are correct

VI. Examine the following statements

Statement I : The lines of latitude on Earth are used to find the location of a

place and define the heat zones on Earth.

Statement II : The lines of longitudes on Earth are used to find the location of a

place and to calculate time.

Choose the correct option

a) Statement I is correct; II is wrong

b) Statement I is wrong; II correct

c) Both the statements are correct

d) Both the statements are wrong

Ans: c) Both the statements are correct

VII. Name the following

1. The imaginary lines drawn horizontally on Earth.

Ans: Latitudes

2. The imaginary lines drawn vertically on Earth.

Ans: Longitudes

3. The three dimensional model of the Earth.

Ans: Globe

4. India is located in this hemisphere based on lines of longitude.

Ans: Eastern hemisphere

5. The network of lines of latitude and longitude.

Ans: Earthgrid

VIII. Answer briefly

1. What is a Geoid?

The shape of the earth is called a geoid. The Earth, which is spherical, is flat at the poles and bulges at the Equator. 

2. What is local time?

When the sun is overhead on a particular line of longitude, it is 12 noon

at all the places located on that line of longitude.  This is called local time.

3. How many times would the sun pass overhead a line of longitude?

The Sun is overhead on a line of longitude only once in a day. 

4. What are lines of latitude and longitude?

There are imaginary lines which are drawn on the globe horizontally and vertically to find a location and calculate distance and time. 

The imaginary lines which are drawn horizontally in the East - West direction on the Earth are called the lines or parallels of latitudes.

The imaginary lines drawn vertically connecting the North Pole and the South Pole are called lines or meridians of longitude.

5. Name the four hemispheres of the Earth.

  • Northern Hemisphere

  • Southern Hemisphere

  • Eastern Hemisphere and

  • Western Hemisphere. 

IX. Give reasons

1. The 0° line of longitude is called the Greenwich Meridian.

According to the International Meridian Conference held in 1884, all nations agreed on choosing the Greenwich Meridian as the international standard meridian (0°).  This line of longitude is called the Prime Meridian and it is also known as the Greenwich Meridian because it passes through Greenwich. 

2. The regions on Earth between North & South lines of latitude (66 ½°) and

poles (90°) is called the Frigid Zone 

From the Arctic Circle (66½°N) to the North Pole (90°N) and from the Antarctic Circle (66½°S) to the South Pole (90°S), the Sun’s rays fall further inclined, throughout the year. The temperature is very low. Hence, this region is known as the Frigid Zone.

3. The International Date Line runs zigzag.

The International Date Line is not straight.  If the line is drawn straight, two places in the same country would have different dates.  So the International Date Line is found zigzag in certain places to avoid confusion.

X. Answer in detail

1. What are the uses of globe?

A globe is a 3D sphere used to represent the earth as a whole. It helps in the search for various nations and oceans. The spread of water and land on the earth’s surface is illustrated by the globe. It shows the shape, location and size of the earth’s continents and oceans. 

2. How are the hemispheres divided on the basis of lines of latitude and longitude? Explain with diagrams.

The lines of latitude that are drawn horizontally between the Equator and the

The North Pole are called ‘Northern latitudes’ and those which are found between the Equator and the South Pole are called ‘Southern Latitudes’.

Northern Hemisphere 

The area of the Earth found between the Equator (00) and the North Pole (90°N)

is called the Northern Hemisphere.

Southern Hemisphere

The area of the Earth from the equator (0°) to the South Pole (90°S) is called the

Southern Hemisphere.

The location of any country or place is based on this division of the hemispheres

3. What are the significant lines of latitude? Explain the zones found between them.

  • The earth rotates on its axis at an inclination of 23½° and revolves around the sun while rotating.  Based on the angle at which the sun’s rays fall on the earth,certain lines of latitude gain significance. 

  • The Sun’s rays do not fall equally on all parts of the earth. 

  • They fall vertically over the Equator and slanting towards the poles.Thus, all the places on earth do not have the same amount of temperature. 

  • Based On the amount of heat received from the Sun, the lines of latitude help in dividing the earth into different climatic zones.

Torrid Zone

  • The region from the Equator towards the Tropic of Cancer (23½°N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23½°S) is called the Torrid Zone. 

  • The Sun’s rays fall vertically over this region and the average temperature is very high. Hence this region is known as the Torrid Zone.

Temperate Zone

  • From the Tropic of Cancer (23½°N) to the Arctic Circle (66½°N) and from

the Tropic of Capricorn (23½°S) to the Antarctic Circle (66½°S), the Sun’s rays fall slantingly. 

  • Moderate temperature prevails in this region. Hence, this region is called Temperate Zone.

Frigid Zone

  • From the Arctic Circle (66½°N) to the North Pole (900N) and from the Antarctic Circle (66½°S) to the South Pole (90°S).

  • Sun’s rays fall further inclined, throughout the year. 

  • The temperature is very low.  Hence, this region is known as Frigid Zone.

4. Explain: Indian Standard Time.

  • The longitudinal extent of India is from 68°7’ E to 97°25’ E.  As many as twenty nine lines of longitude pass through India. 

  • Having 29 standard time is not logical.

  • Hence 82½° E line of longitude is observed as the Prime Meridian to calculate the Indian Standard Time (IST). 

  • The 82½° E line of  longitude passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh.  

  • This is located at an equal distance from Ghuar Mota in Gujarat and Kibithu in Arunachal Pradesh.

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