Class VI T1 E U2 When the trees walked Textbook solutions





fertile - able to produce a lot of plants or crops 

abandoned - left without care 

vigorous - healthy and strong

protested - opposed or disagreed 

nightmare - a frightening dream 

interfering - stopping

Rambling - wandering 

sprout - when seeds begin to grow into small plants 

spectacular - eye-catching 

beckoned - to signal (someone) with your hand to ask the person to come closer or follow


Discuss and answer.

1. When did the garden become a happy place for the author?

As soon as the author's grandfather joined him, the garden became a happy place.

2. What are the two reasons the author gives for the plants moving towards grandfather?

Light and warmth are two reasons the author gives for the plants moving towards grandfather. 

3. Why does the writer think that the peepul tree is a great show off?

The peepul trees' leaves will spin like tops. It attracts our attention and invites us into the shade.


Discuss and answer.

1. Why do we need trees? List four reasons that Grandfather gives.

Birds and animals need trees for shelter and food.

  • Trees keep the desert away.

  • Trees attract rain.

  • Trees prevent banks of rivers from erupting.

  • Human beings need trees for timber,flowers and fruits.

2. Why did the author help his Grandfather plant trees?

The thought of a world without trees became a sort of nightmare to the author. So he helped his grandfather plant trees. 

3. What made Grandfather plant saplings on the rocky island?

Grandfather saw a small mango tree growing  on a rocky island. It made him plant saplings in the rocky soil.


Discuss and answer.

1. What did Grandmother feel about trees growing in the house?

Grandmother felt very angry about trees growing in the house. 

2. Why did the author leave town?

The author left the town due to the Second World War. 

3. How did Grandfather’s dream come true?

The tree which he had planted long ago in the rocky island had multiplied and made it a  small green paradise. 

 4. Describe what the author saw when he went back to the island.

The author had seen the red blossoms of the coral blossom, some squirrels and koel living in trees. When he went back to the island. 


A. Tick the most appropriate option.

1. According to the author the tendril was moving towards grandfather because it

a. needed light and warmth.

b. did not like the light and warmth.

c. wanted to be near Grandfather.

d. wanted to escape from the winter.

Ans: c. wanted to be near Grandfather.

2. Grandmother had wanted the peepul tree cut down because 

a. she did not like trees.

b. she wanted to grow flowers.

c. it was an old tree.

d. it was knocking down the bricks of the outhouse.

Ans: d. it was knocking down the bricks of the outhouse.

3. Grandfather helped grandma out with the gardening because he __________.

a. liked gardening.

b. wanted to grow flowers to attract butterflies.

c. wanted to beautify the garden.

d. wanted to make the house green.

Ans: b. wanted to grow flowers to attract butterflies.

4. The author did not want to plant saplings in the forest because

a. no one would come to see them.

b. it was dangerous to enter the forest.

c. it would not be of any use to them.

d. no one would appreciate them.

Ans: a. no one would come to see them.

5. Grandfather felt planting trees would help the forest because

a. he wanted to make the view beautiful.

b. the river-bed was dry.

c. animals and birds in the forest would love him.

d. the animals and birds would find it easier to live.

Ans: d. the animals and birds would find it easier to live.

6. When the author returned from England to Dehradun, he found Grandfather's dream had come true because the

a. old house had changed.

b. river was full.

c. trees had red flowers.

d. forest covered the island.

Ans: d. forest covered the island.

B. Read the story on your own. Discuss in a group and complete the story map below. 

A story map is the main events of the story given in a flow chart.

Grandfather built a bungalow and planted trees all around

During the rains Grandfather walked into the jungle  with cuttings and sapling

During the second world war, the author went away to a boarding school

They found a small rocky island and Grandfather planted more number of sapling in the island

Some years later, the author returned and walked towards the river-bed

He looked around and noticed that the island had become a green paradise.

C. Work in groups of five. Tell the story in ten sentences.

You can begin the story like this:

The author’s Grandfather served in the Indian Forest Service.

After his retirement he built a bungalow on the outskirts of Dehradun.

  1. He planted trees all around.

  2. The Author's grandmother was interested in growing flowers as they attract butterflies.

  3. During the rains his grandfather went to the jungle  beyond the river-bed and planted cuttings and saplings in the forest.

  4. The author also helped his grandfather in tree planting.

  5. They found a rocky island,and as they saw a small mango tree there, they planted a number of cuttings and saplings in the island.

  6. During the second world war, the author was sent to a boarding school, his grandparents sold the house and went to England.

  7. After several years, the author returned to Dehradun.

  8. He visited his old house and walked out towards the river-bed and was caught by the spectacular red blooms of the coral blossom.

  9. The island became a green paradise, when he went close to the trees, they whispered among themselves and beckoned me nearer.

  10. The trees they planted were now multiplied and his grandfather’s dream had come true.


E. Look at the words in the boxes. Match the words to make as many new

 words as possible. One is done for you. 

Eg. out house.

  • Outdoor

  • Riverbed

  • Water fall

  • Water bed

  • Waterbody

  • Flower garden

  • Sunshine

  • Aerial root

  • Window sill

  • Foothill

  • Compound Wall

  • Flowerbed

F. Look at the words in the box. Make new words by adding ‘ly’ wherever

 possible. It will not be possible with all the words.

lone blossom fertile vigorous place constant complete strong unlike great

cross immediate broad

Suffix : A letter or letters added at the end of a word to make a different or a new form

of the word. E.g. lone+ly= lonely

  • Vigorously

  • Constantly

  • Completely

  • Strongly

  • Unlikely

  • Greatly

  • Immediately

  • Broadly

G. Look at the words in the box. Fill the wheel with their antonyms.

All the words begin with ‘S’ and are from the text.

hard        fat     weak        big        fast      hide      rough       dull


























K. Tick the right option to fill in the blanks.

1. ___________ a beautiful flower!

a. How b. Wow c. What d. Hurrah

Ans: c. What

2. ___________ play football?

a. You can b. Can you c. Have you d. You could

Ans: b. Can you

3. ___________ did you go yesterday?

a. Which b. Where c. What d. Who

Ans: b. Where

4. ___________ us go for a walk.

a. Shall b. May c. Let d. Can

Ans: c. Let

5. ___________ like to play hide and seek.

a. He b. She c. I d. Muthu

Ans: c. I

L. Look at the punctuation of these sentences. Why are they punctuated  differently? Discuss in class.

1. One always felt like drawing close to him.


2. But no one ever comes here!


3. Who’s going to see them?


4. Come here.


M. Work in pairs and say the sentences to each other. Do you hear any  difference in the way it is spoken? Discuss and share with the class.

 Discuss the difference in the meaning of the sentences.

1. This is a banyan tree. - Sentence

2. Is this a banyan tree? - Question

3. What a beautiful banyan tree! - Exclamation

4. Look at this banyan tree. - Command

N. Read these sentences from the story carefully. Do they give commands  or requests or make statements? Write 'C' for command and 'R' for request  and 'S' for statement.

1. The tendril moved towards grandfather. - S

2. I want a roof over my head. - S

3. Please do not cut trees.         - R

4. We spent the whole day planting saplings. - S

5. Will you please remove the trees growing on the wall?- R

6. There was a forest on the island. - S

7. Go to the river bed.         - C

8. The island was a green paradise. - S

9. Grow more trees to protect nature.         - S

10. Grandfather’s dream had come true. S

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