I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which one of the following does not come under Equality? 

Ans:d)Showing inequality between rich and poor.

2. Which one of the following comes under political Equality? 

Ans:a) Right to petition the government and criticize public policy.

3. In India, the right to vote is given to all the citizens at the age of _____.


4. Inequality created by man on the basis of caste, money, religion etc is called as __________.

Ans: b) man made inequality

5. In Switzerland, the right to vote is given to women in the year____.

Ans: b) 1971

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Civil equality implies equality of all before law.

2. The Indian constitution deals about the Right to equality from Article 14 to 18.

3. Right to contest in the election is a Political Right.

4. Equality means, absence of Social privileges.

III. Give short answer:

1. What is Equality?

  Equality is ensuring individuals or groups that are not treated differently or less favourably on the basis of specific protected characteristics including areas of trace, gender, religion, sexual orientation and age.

2. Why is gender Equality needed?

  All human beings both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without limitations; women are not given equal rights.and they were considered as weak as compared to man and they were placed in a secondary position to men.  They should be treated equally.

3. What is civil Equality?

Civil equality is enjoyment of civil rights by all citizens. There should not be any discrimination of superior or inferior the rich or the poor caste or creed.

IV. Answer in detail:

1 Write about the importance of Equality.

  • Equality is a powerful moral and political ideal that has inspired an guide human society for many centuries. 

  • The concept of equality invokes the idea that all human beings have equal worth regardless of their caste, colour, gender race nationality. 

  • The democratic ideals such as liberty equality etc are meaningful and effective only when they are implemented with justice.

2. What is political Equality?

  All the democratic countries including India have guaranteed the political rights to all citizens. It includes.

  •  Right to vote

  •  Right to hold public office

  •  Right to criticize the Government

  • Citizens should have equal opportunity to actively participate in political life.

  • In India the voting right is given to all the citizens who have attained 18 years of age without any discrimination.

  • Any person who has completed the age 25 years can contest in the election.

  • The value of votes of the prime minister and the value of vote’s common man in general elections is some which denotes political equality.

3. How does the Constitution of India protect the Right to Equality?

 The constitution of India has also guaranteed equality to all citizen by providing

articles from 14-18

  •  Article -14 guarantees to all the people equality before law.

  •  Article-15 deals with the prohibition of discrimination

  •  Article-16 provides equality of opportunity in matters relating to employment.

  •  Article-17 abolishes the practice of untouchability.

  •  Article-18 abolishes the titles conferred to citizens. 

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